Phil ,David (Such common names I wonder why):Chapter 4

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When we reach our destination it had been at least 13 hours and Phil and David only switched out once , Sydney feel asleep and as we were ""23 minutes away""  that's when they started asking questions , and David said that I didn't need to answer if I didn't want to buy I would eventually
"So where did you grow up?" Phil asks with a yawn
"In a small house on the out skirts of town , we had a small farm , for Our food"
"So , why that dress, I know you probably can't change clothes but still why a completely black dress "David asks while driving
after 3 minute pass Phil says "So I have a wife named Aubrey , and she's pregnant with triplets , and guess what they are all girls !"Phill says while laughing
"Wow , I always wanted kids , are you excited?"I ask while smiling
"Yes and no , I am excited to meet them all but I am not excited for all the diapers and crying in the middle of the night "Phil says with a smirk on his kisser ( I have always w aged to say that , kisser not smirk)
"Oh how about you David , do you have any kids?" I ask and as the tension builds I knew I shouldn't have "I'm sorry if I hurt your feeling , Forgive my recklessness"
"Oh its fine"David sighs" I had a son , he died of infection , he got bite my a snake , they cured the venom , but it took them a long time , too long" he says sadly
"So how did you get Into this kind of work Phil" I ask trying to lighten the mood
"Well it's a funny story , so I was working at the FBI and my old partner well was in a coma and one day he walked into my office , after that someone decided ,oh let's get that guy!"Phil says as we all laugh  Phil adds "so did you have any siblings ?"
"Oh I had so many , but I was the only one with dark hair , my mother was light haired and my father too , he thought I was the by product of a treacherous affair , until my brother  Timmy was born , he looked like me , but he died of scarlet fever "I say calmly and added "after Timmy was born he realized that she was faithful and he loved me deeply after that"I say calmly
"What was your favorite subject as a kid" David asks
"My dad well didn't let me go , he thought that all I was good for was work and a punching bag , but he got better " I say with a sour smile
"Oh...........  Well how about pets ?" David asks trying to fix the mood
"I had a toothless snake , my dad thought it was dead and he Pulled out its teeth , it woke up and it liked me , it's name was well Davidson " I say while laughing
"What did you think when you heard out a asylum was being built there "  Phil asks
"Well I was astonished, I didn't know that they stopped hanging people who were mentally unstable " I say embarrassed and ask"do you know why some people stay and some people leave when they die?"
"Well usually the people who stay are killed but there always are exceptions " David says and adds  "so we actually have no clue , most aren't as corporative as you , so we don't know if they have been through some process or something like that"
"So tell us about you , what's with the tears ?"Phil asks as the points toward the blood tears that once rolled down my checks
"So have you picked out names for the girls yet?" I ask
"No, oh here we are home sweet home he says as we pull up to a small town in the plains , it looked just like my town but more advanced of course
"I thought we were talking secret base in The Deseret covered by sand kinda thing , huh it is actually very smart , a town no one thinks twice about the tiny two stoplight towns
Oh yeah I made this chapter shorter to appease you short chapter people (701 words)

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