Looking for the Winter Soldier

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Okay, seeing as I haven't updated in a while, I have now given you an extra long chapter.
I hope you will enjoy it! Tell me what you thought of it in the comments below ;) Enjoy :)

Claire gets up out of her chair and walks towards the door, where she turns around once more. "Thank you, Lucas", she smiles at him, then turns around again.

"Wait, Claire, where are you going?" she hears Steve call after her.

"You'll see", she calls back, already making her way down the hallway towards the elevator, smiling.

"Fury's office please", Claire says, once she steps into the elevator. 

"Confirmed", the computer voice of the elevator answers and the elevator roars to life.

Claire gets to the floor, where Fury's office is and walks towards the door but turns around the corner right next to Fury's office door.

She heads straight towards Tony's room and knocks on the door. 

"Come in", Jarvis voice is heard on the other side of the door.

Claire opens the door and sees Tony sitting at his desk, typing something on the computer furiously.

"Hello Claire, how may I help you?" Tony asks Claire, without turning his gaze away from the computer.

"I was wondering, if you could help me find out where the Winter Soldier is", Claire asks him, still standing in the doorway.

As soon as Tony hears the words WINTER SOLDIER out of Claire's mouth, he abandons his work and turns to face Claire.

"Come in and sit down", he tells Claire and points to a sofa on the left side of the room, next to the desk.

Claire carefully steps in, closing the door and sits down. 

"What do you want to find the Winter Soldier for?" Tony asks Claire sternly.

"I... uhm...", Claire starts, not sure why Tony is acting the way he is acting right now.

"The Winter Soldier is dangerous. I suggest you stay well away from him", Tony explains.

"You don't know that. He could be a changed man", Claire answers harshly. She does not like the way Tony thinks that the Winter Soldier is dangerous, although he does not even know him.

"The Winter Soldier was dangerous, when he was working for HYDRA, but he isn't working for them anymore", Claire finishes.

There is a minute of silence. 

"Please, I need your help, Tony", Claire pleads him, breaking the silence.

Another silence follows and Claire starts feeling really uncomfortable, but she knows that she cannot break the silence this time. She has to wait for Tony to give her an answer.

After what feels like a whole eternity, Tony coughs slightly, gaining Claire's attention again immediately, before he speaks. "Very well, if you are one hundred percent sure that you want to risk your life to find him, then I will help you."

"For Steve I'd be willing to do anything, even if it means dying to regain a long-lost friend of Steve's", Claire explains.

"Okay then, although I am not so sure that Steve would be too happy, if you were dead, old friend back or not", Tony says, but turns towards the computer.

Claire sees a bit of a smile creep up on his face and she cannot help but smile too, although she knows that he is right.

Tony starts typing in something on his computer. Claire stays seated, but tries to take a look at the screen, to see, what he is doing.

After about five minutes, Jarvis voice is heard. "I have found a match, sir."

"Okay, let's see it then", Tony states, looking pleased with the work Jarvis has done.

Now Claire gets up to see the screen properly too.

On the screen there are two pictures. On the one picture you can see the Winter Soldier, well you cannot see his face, as it is covered by a mask, but you can see his metal arm and he is holding a gun. It looks like a picture a reporter would take, as he is not posing for the camera or looking into it.

On the other picture there is a guy with the same body structure as the picture on the left next to the Winter Soldier. But this guy is wearing a red cap and some ordinary clothes. His metal arm is not visible under the long-sleeved jacket he is wearing.

"Yes, they look like the same people to me", Tony mutters, after looking at both pictures in great detail.

"Where can I find him?" Claire asks, looking at Tony expectantly.

"Fellowtree Road 223", Jarvis answers, before Tony has the chance to say anything.

"Thank you, Jarvis, thanks Tony", Claire says, walking towards the door, ready to leave.

"Hold on, where are you going?" Tony asks her.

"I'm going to Fellowtree Road 223, of course", Claire answers, turning around to him and smiling. 

"Well, you will need this then though", Tony hands her an earpiece, "just in case you need backup, okay."

Claire takes the earpiece without any objections.

"Thanks again", she says, before she opens the door and leaves.

Claire goes straight to the garage and grabs one of the many motorcycles there.

"Tony, you hear me?" Claire asks through her earpiece, once she has fastened her helmet onto her head and has sat down on the motorcycle, ready to drive off.

"I hear you loud and clearly, Claire", Tony's voice is heard through Claire's earpiece, "Now listen closely", he continues, as Claire lets the motorcycle roar to life and heads off down the road.

She rushes past traffic, even oncoming traffic, not caring about any of the rules, only determined to find one person and one person in particular, the Winter Soldier.

"Next you need to take a sharp left and then the second house on the right must be the one", Tony explains.

Claire takes a sharp left, entering Fellowtree Road and stops just outside a house that has the number 223 written on it.

"Copy that", Claire answers Tony, as she takes off her helmet and gets off the motorcycle.

The house she is now facing looks like any other ordinary house, nothing special about it at all.

Claire walks up the steps that lead to the house door and knocks on the big brown, wooden door twice.

A few seconds later the door swings open and a man is standing in the doorway.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" the man asks Claire, eying her from top to bottom.

"I have come looking for you...", Claire starts, but is interrupted by the man, who gets really angry.

"Who are you? You must be from HYDRA. You are, aren't you? They have found me. Sorry, but you're not going to get me today, good day", he says, about to shut the door, when Claire puts her foot in the doorway, so he has no chance of shutting the door.

"No... no, wait, please. I am not from HYDRA and they also did not send me to find you. I promise. I'm... I'm a friend of Steve Rogers", Claire quickly explains, but decides to leave out the part of her being Steve's girlfriend and just introducing herself as a friend of his instead.

Now, the man carefully opens the door again, but not too far, just in case Claire could still be lying and trying to trick him.

"You're a friend of... You know Steve Rogers?" the man stutters slightly. 

"Yes, very well even", Claire states and smiles.

"Uhm... in that case, come in", the man opens the door further and gestures for Claire to step inside.

He shuts the door again but looks around outside once more beforehand.

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