One good and one bad surprise

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The man then leads Claire to the sofa and takes a seat opposite of her.

"So, you say you know Steve and you have come looking for me. Then clearly you know who I am too."

"Yes, you're the Winter Soldier", Claire answers, feeling a little more relaxed than at the door a few seconds ago.

"Yes, that is what I am known as, ever since HYDRA...", the man looks down at his lap with a sad expression on his face.

"But not everybody knows you just as that. Some know you by your real name Bucky Barnes, as I do. And I also know that Steve was your best friend, you two were like brothers, and I also know that you know my brother Lucas", Claire finishes.

Bucky now turns his gaze from his lap straight to Claire's eyes.

"Yes, Steve was my best mate, my brother. And I miss him a lot and would love to see him just once more and be able to say goodbye to him properly... Hold on, I know your brother Lucas?"

"Yeah, he saved your life and was the one who got you out of HYDRA. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here right now", Claire explains smiling. 

Now Bucky smiles too. "Oh yeah, of course I remember your brother, the military dude, who saved my life and let me run free instead of taking me back to his camp. I never really got to thank him for it."

There is a little silence before Bucky continues.

"So then, what is your name?"

"I'm Claire Johnson."

"Nice to meet you Claire. Can I ask you a question?" Bucky looks at Claire, who nods in response.

"Why did you come looking for me and how did you find me?"

"I came looking for you, because I know what you can do in a battlefield. You see, I am a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and we need people like you to help us save your city and the planet we live on. And how I found you... Well, I had help from Tony Stark, also a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a very close friend. He manged to track you down."

Bucky listens closely, but when Claire finishes, he answers.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? You're a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.? But... but Steve is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. too, isn't he?" Bucky looks slightly confused, so many questions are popping up in his head.

"Yes, you are right, he is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that is another reason why I have come looking for you", Claire looks quite excited now.

"So, Steve, he is alright?" Bucky's eyes light up.

"Yeah, but you won't be for long, if you don't get out of here", Steve comes crashing through the window, with his shield protectively in front of him, shattering the window into tiny pieces, and lands beside the sofa Claire is sitting on.

As the glass shatters on the floor, Claire jumps up of the sofa startled.

"Steve", Bucky and Claire say at the same time, each one as surprised as the other to see Steve standing in front of them.

"It's so great to see you again, Bucky. I would have come looking for you earlier, if I had known that you weren't in HYDRA anymore. I swear, I tried everything to find their base, to save you, but there was no way to find you, HYDRA was too good... But you're looking good", Steve smiles, embracing his old best friend in a huge hug.

"I thought I had lost you forever", he finishes, as they part again.

"That's what I thought too", Bucky answers.

"Sorry to interrupt, but how exactly did you find me and how did you know I was here?" Claire interrupts them both.

Now Steve turns to face Claire. "Well, after Lucas told us the story about Bucky, you ran out of the room, ignoring my calls, without telling me where you were going. I started to look for you, scared of what you might do and found you just as you were coming out of Tony's room, heading towards the elevator. So, I went to Tony to find out what you were up to. At first, he wouldn't budge, but it didn't take long, and he spilt the beans. He told me everything you were planning and where you were going, so I followed you as fast as I could. I mean I wouldn't be Captain America, if I can't even keep my girlfriend safe", he finishes, smiling at the last sentence.

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