New arrival at Headquarters

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Just as Claire is coming to join Steve and Bucky again, who are now halfway across the rooftop, coming towards her, a black helicopter appears at the one end of the rooftop.

"Our ride's here", Steve exclaims loud enough for Bucky and Claire to hear, seeing as the helicopter is quite noisy.

"Need a ride?" Falcon lands on the rooftop next to Steve.

"Late as usual", Steve laughs, then turns to Bucky. "Bucky, I'd like you to meet one of my closest friends and partner in many battles, Sam Wilson...", Steve starts.

"... Also known as the Falcon. Proud to be the partner of this fine man, the Captain. And you must be the Winter Soldier everyone has been talking about...", Sam interrupts Steve, before he is interrupted himself by Bucky.

"... Also known as Bucky Barnes", he finishes, holding out his hand in a greeting manner, which Sam accepts with a smile.

Then he turns back to face Steve. "I see help wasn't really needed then", Sam says laughing.

"Yeah, turns out we had someone with quite the powers amongst us", Bucky laughs, looking at Claire, who smiles back at him.

Sam sees Bucky smile at Claire and when Claire turns her gaze back towards him, he smiles at her warmly.

"Well then, shall we?" Sam asks, gesturing towards the helicopter, still hovering a little above the rooftop.

A ladder is let down and Sam gestures for them to get on, while he himself unfolds his wings and lifts up into the sky, making sure that everyone gets on safely.

Bucky goes first, followed by Claire and finally Steve, who makes sure that Claire gets up to the helicopter safely.

Once everyone is in the helicopter, the ladder is pulled up and Sam lands beside Claire, closing his wings again.

They head back to Headquarters, which is only about ten minutes away.

Claire sits down opposite of Bucky and Steve, followed by Sam, who sits down beside her.

First now Claire realises that Bucky is holding something close to his chest. It is a backpack that Claire had not even noticed Bucky carry around all this time, neither did she see him pick it up when they headed for the rooftop.

'Where did he get that from? Why didn't I notice him carrying one?' Claire thinks, not noticing Bucky catching her looking.

As if he read her mind, he answers "I had to travel a lot, with HYDRA looking for me. Guess I never really felt safe enough to call any place my home, so I never bothered to unpack."

Claire blushes for being caught, but smiles, when she sees Bucky flashing her a big grin. His smile is warm and welcoming, as if he never had a fear in his world. But she cannot help but feel sorry for him, for being on the run all this time. She cannot imagine what it must have been like for him, living in constant fear of being found by HYDRA.

'He is such a sweet person, why would anyone want to hurt him and use him as a weapon?' Claire is confused and angry at the same time.

She does not even realise that she is still looking at Bucky, until she realises something silver shining underneath Bucky's left sleeve of his shirt.

It's Bucky's metal arm that HYDRA implanted when he lost his arm. 'He is obviously trying to hide it, so that HYDRA don't recognise him', Claire thinks, but looks away quickly, when she feels Bucky looking at her again. She does not want to make him feel uncomfortable.

About ten minutes later, the helicopter lands on top of a building that has a bird on the front of it, which is known as the symbol of S.H.I.E.L.D., but only the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. know what the bird stands for. There is no way that HYDRA would ever find their base.

They all climb out of the helicopter to be greeted by the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. crew.

Tony goes straight up to Claire. "I'm sorry I told Steve where you were, but I was worried and he kind of threatened me, if I didn't tell him where you were heading." 

"Don't worry about it Tony. It's a good thing you came when you did", Claire answers, then turns to Steve at the last sentence, smiling. He smiles back at her warmly.

Bucky is then introduced to the rest of the crew by Steve, who seems to be filled with happiness.

"The very famous Winter Soldier. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.", a deep voice is heard at one end of the garage.

They all turn around to find none other than the boss himself, Nick Fury, standing a few meters away from them.

He walks up to Bucky. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you", he states, when Bucky shakes his hand.

"This is Nick Fury, the boss and leading head of S.H.I.E.L.D.", Steve explains. "Doesn't make him the Captain though", he laughs, making everyone join in, even Fury.

"Guess he has a point there", Fury laughs.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir", Bucky smiles. 

"Oh no, you are more of a legend than I am, trust me", Fury answers.

Just then the door swings open again, and Lucas comes walking through. "Sorry, but no one told me you were back", he says, coming towards them.

"Well, if it isn't the military dude. Long-time no see", Bucky laughs, making Lucas laugh too.

"Bucky Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier. It's great to see you still breathing, man", Lucas answers with a grin, wrapping his arms around Bucky to greet him, who returns the hug.

"Yeah, I never really got to thank you for saving my life and being the reason why I am still breathing", Bucky explains.

"Na, don't worry about it, mate. I was only doing my job. Well, not the one I was supposed to do, but the one I always did, muck it up", Lucas jokes. "I told them you weren't there when I got to HYDRA and well, let's say I sounded pretty convincing, because they believed everything."

Then Lucas realises Claire standing next to Steve.

"Oh, and if it isn't my baby sis, ey. What the hell were you thinking running of like that without any backup or telling me where you were going. You could've got yourself killed!" Lucas looks a little angry, but relieved at the same time to have his sister back in one piece and he embraces her in a big hug.

Once Lucas lets go of her again, Claire speaks. "Yeah, I could've, but I didn't! And anyway, I am perfectly capable to look after myself!"

"She has a point there", Bucky interrupts them. "Your sister has some awesome powers. You should've seen what she did on the rooftop. She knocked out all those men. Brilliant!"

"Yeah, she really is brilliant. But I promise to look after her better next time", Steve tells Lucas, smiling. 

Lucas smiles back. "Good, I hope you will."

Not a lot of chapters left, so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy the chapters still to come.

Let me know in the comments below what you thought and what you think will happen next!
I look forward to hearing your ideas :)

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