2 - Lying

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Hayley stared at her girlfriend who was peacefully sleeping by her side. It was moments like these that reminded her how in love she is. She always wonders how lucky she is.

She never knew how a girl like her would be together with a celebrity, let alone be noticed by one. Their first encounter was surprisingly casual.

It was a oddly quiet day in Brown Beans, which was fine with Hayley. It was usually busy and buzzing so it was a breath of relief. She didn't expect her to walk in. She didn't expect anyone famous to walk in, considering that most famous people prefer Starbucks and Brown Beans is nothing compared to the mainstream coffee shop. She tried to ask as casual as possible, trying her best not to spill her order. But because of her shaky hands, she almost drop the beverage twice when making it. Being the kind and sweet person Hayley was, she wrote a small note on the cup.

Good morning! You look lovely as always :)

Hayley handed it to her with a smile on her face. She immediately headed to her cashier, after realizing how creepy it actually was. Selena didn't say anything, maybe she didn't even notice it, which was the reason of the frown onHayley's face.

Selena came back after some time andHayley always wrote something every time she ordered. But one day, she didn't. She realized that it was useless and she was tired of doing good things without anything in return.

"No notes today?"

Hayley looked up with a surprise look on her face. "I-I ran out of markers." She stuttered. It was true. They did ran out of markers, that was because she always used them in drawing whenever she gets bored in the cafe.

Selena then rummaged her bag before handingHayley a sharpie. "Here you go."

Hayley shyly took the marker and the beverage.

Good morning! I'm really loving your bangs :)

Hayley's hand were slightly shaking when she handed both beverage and marker to her. The smiley face even turned out like a child drew it.

"ThanksHayley." Selena smiled at her and winked at her before walking away.

It was one of the most memorable days of hers life.

"What are you thinking of angel?" Selena asked as she cuddled closer toHayley.


Selena rolled her eyes. "I know you are sweet and all but that was super cheesy."

"I was being serious."

Selena only hummed in response as she stared at her lover.Hayley soon realized this and then hid her face with her hair to hide the blush creeping to her cheeks.

"Stop doing that."

"What? I'm admiring your beauty."

Hayley groaned. "I wanna go out for breakfast."

"What time is it?"


"I can't babe. I have a meeting in less than fifteen."

Hayley pouted.

"I would kiss that pout away but I haven't brush my teeth yet."

"Go brush your teeth then!" Hayley ushered Selena to the bathroom while Selena only let out a chuckle.


"Hayley, why don't you join our meeting."

"Actually, I have something to do. See you later babe." Hayley replied quickly before giving Selena a peck on her lips. She knew that she'll just be scolded once again about making their relationship more obvious and breaking rules so she decided to flee.

She decided to wait for Selena but not in her manager's office. So she headed to the little art shop to buy some materials even though she still got tons. It was her problem, she tends to buy more than she needs to just because it felt good to own at least three tubes of paint of the same color and different kinds of canvas and markers. She entered the shop and immediately headed to the area filled with markers.

In the end of her shopping spree, she bought about twenty markers and ten tubes of acrylic paint.

"Oh my god! It's Hayley!" A teenage girl squealed while her friend kept quiet but her hands were shaking in excitement.

"Hey guys!" Hayley beamed, even if they didn't know them.

"Can we take a picture with you?"

"Of course! I mean, I'm not famous or anything, but sure."

The two teenage girls took turns in taking pictures with Hayley. "Omg omg thank you! Where's Selena?"

"She's in a meeting."

"Oh. Well could you say hi for us? Oh! You two look cute together by the way."

"We're not together." Hayley let out a nervous laugh. She was going to thank her but she remembered.

"You don't have to lie to us. It's obvious."

"We are not together, okay? Why do many people think that?" Hayley said, pretending to be confused, when deep inside, she was stabbing herself for lying.

"We're just friends okay." Hayley said before walking away with her bag art materials. She let out a sigh when she finally got a cab.

She hated lying, especially about this situation. She hates hiding, but it was the price she had to pay just to be with the one she loves.


Sitting in the middle of her art room with a canvas on the floor as r&b music filled the room, Hayley lazily used her favorite brush to and dip it into the can of black paint before letting it drip all over the canvas. It was just to add some details to her work.

"Hey babe. Whoa." Selena trailed off when she saw Hayley's work on the floor.

"That's really good babe." Selena said as she made her way to where Hayley was sitting. Hayley didn't respond, she didn't even blush. She simply stared at her work, overthinking about things.

"Hey, are you okay?" She placed her arm around Hayley and pecked her cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine." Hayley said, shaking away her thoughts. She pressed her lips against Selena's, trying to remind herself that everything will be alright.

"I bought food."

Those three words are only one of the phrases that made Hayley smile to the fullest.

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