12 - A Great Start

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babe where are you?

out with Louise. she wanted to hang and i didn't want to keep you away from our apartment. i'll be home soon

"So, you and Selena huh?" Louise said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nah, we're just friends." Hayley replied before shoving almost a handful of fries in her mouth.


Louise didn't seem to believe it, but Hayley had to make her believe. Will didn't tell her about their relationship, therefore there was still a chance.

"I'm serious."

"Are you now? You do know that pictures of the two of you are all over the internet right?"

"Yeah, i know. Look, I trust you okay." Hayley sighed dramatically, "Selena, she's going through some tough times, and she needs someone on the outside who will not judge her. I know you understand her situation."

Louise finished her milkshake and nodded her head in response.

"What brings you here anyways?"

"Oh, I am scheduled for a photoshoot...half an hour ago. I totally forgot."

Louise always wanted to be a model, and with her family being wealthy one, it wasn't difficult to reach her dream.

"That's all right. We can hang some other time." Hayley said, assuring Louise who was panicking in her seat.

"I feel bad. Do you wanna come with?"

"I don't kno-"

"I'm not giving you a choice. You're coming with me." Louise said, grabbing Hayley's wrist and dragging her outside where a car was already waiting.


It was late at night when Hayley arrived at the apartment. The lights were off, meaning either Selena was not home or she stayed in the bedroom.

Hayley decided to head to the bedroom, not only to check if her girlfriend was there, but also to rest for a couple of hours before working on a masterpiece for a client. Hayley opened the bedroom door, longing for the comfy bed and soft sheets and not expecting anything else, nor anyone besides Selena.

She never expected Will to be in their bedroom. She never expected the two locking lips and moaning. She never expected them to be naked on their bed.

And despite the rumors circling around about her past relationships, Hayley never expected Selena to cheat on her.

"Seriously?" Despite having hundreds of thoughts in Hayley's mind, this was all that slipped her lips.

The two pulled away from each other. Guilt was evident in Selena's eyes, and maybe a little in Will's, but knowing him, he probably doesn't feel anything.

"Hayley..." Selena started but didn't continue. Hayley stood up straight and briskly walked in to get her sling bag which contained all the things she needs whenever she just need to get away.

"Hayley, wait, let me explain."

Hayley ignored her and walked away with her bag slung on her shoulder. She heard Selena call out her name once again followed by her footsteps.

"Wait, don't leave." Selena begged, grabbing Hayley's arm. Hayley faced her with a straight face, which was difficult to keep, seeing Selena's beautiful eyes. It was also difficult to stop the tears forming in her her eyes from falling, when she saw her wearing Will's shirt.

"Nice shirt." Hayley scoffed and left the apartment.

Well, isn't this a great start to the new year?

A/N: happy new year! it's not a really big deal to me so it was quite easy to write this chapter. i really like this chapter and i hope you do as well. apologies for the shortness of this one.

so tell me what you guys think on this one. please. i getting feedbacks, good or bad.

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Secret Love Song ✧ Selena GomezWhere stories live. Discover now