11 - A Holiday Surprise

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Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Hayley lit the last candle and smiled to herself.

Everything was set. Soft Christmas music filled the apartment as well as the aroma of pine needle scented candle, lights illuminated the room including the Christmas tree the two put up three days ago, and the table was set with Selena's favorite dishes and a bouquet of flowers which she'll be giving to her lovely girlfriend later.

Seeing that this was the only time she could spend time with Selena, she went all out. The whole set up may seem a little bit fancy, so Hayley decided to wear a cream white knitted sweater and a red skirt that went above her knee. And girl can feel cute about herself, so she braided her hair herself.

The sound of a key opening the front door snapped Hayley from her thoughts. She quickly grabbed the bouquet of flowers and straightened her skirt.

Selena entered the apartment with a surprised look on her face, which Hayley took as a good thing.

"Merry Christmas!" Hayley blurted out excitedly.

"Merry Christmas! Wow, you did all this?"

Hayley's smile couldn't get any bigger, until Will entered the apartment as well.

"Whoa. Nice work, Crawford. The place looks great, and smells great!" Will complimented but all he got was glares from Hayley.

"Will, can you please wait outside. I'll be there in a minute." Selena asked politely. Will nodded and winked at Hayley before leaving the apartment.

"What is he doing here? I thought you had a free pass today?"

"I thought so as well, but they scheduled something for us. I was just going to drop my to get my purse."

Hayley sighed sadly and stared at her red flats. She was so excited for this little date and did not actually think of anything that could ruin it, except maybe the candles burning down the apartment.

"Hey, look at me." Selena said softly, cupping Hayley's chin and making her look at her.

"This, is amazing. You, are amazing."


Selena let out a sigh, deciding on what to do.

"But, I have to do something first." Selena kissed the cheek of Hayley who was pouting.

Selena quickly went out of the apartment and saw Will leaning against the wall and staring at the ceiling.

"Hey, can you meet me at the shop in an hour?"

"Yeah, of course. Have fun!"

Selena went back inside the apartment and found Hayley on the couch, laying on her stomach. Selena, being cheeky, grabbed Hayley's ass and gave it a squeeze, making her squeal.

"You're staying?"

"Of course! I wouldn't want these delicious meal to go to waste!"

"Wow, you're only staying for the food." Hayley said playfully as she stood up.

"Don't worry, angel. It's not the only thing I'll be eating."


"Babe, I really have to go."

"Please, don't." Hayley pouted and wrapped her arms tighter around Selena.


"Hey, Sel! I found thi-holy shit! I'm sorry. I didn't see anything!" Will screamed and covered his eyes.

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