Chapter 24

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I think I've completely lost my mind. Maybe I'm under Vivian's black magic.

Yet I've had these strange undying feelings towards Ronan since the very first day I made eye contact with his ocean blue eyes when he first bought me as his slave. It was like pieces to a puzzle that were missing and you've finally found them to make the picture complete. There was no denying from the start I felt some sort of way towards Ronan like no one else. It was something I couldn't stop. It was something that would only grow as time moved forward. And as the days and weeks I've spent with him have gone by the butterflies in my abdomen would only increase and the need for him would become overpowering at times and I didn't understand until now.

I love him.

I have loved him since his ocean blues set on my emerald ones and his cold exterior made me feel warm.

I decide to let down my walls for him once and for all. He deserves to know how I feel towards him.

"Ronan I l-"

"Miabella there's something I must tell you first" he cuts me off while taking a hold of my hands. His larger hands completely engulfing my smaller ones. He stares intently into my eyes trying to grasp this moment and not let it slip away from his finger tips. I nod my head to tell him to continue. "Before my parents death when we we're in my private library I found a book."

"Yeah you showed me and said some words but I couldn't understand it since it was in another language, but what's the deal with some foreign book?"  I ask bewildered.

"The book is about the light of the world and the dark of the world, but in simpler terms the good and bad and the balance that it plays off of one another" he looks at me like he's about to tell me the answer to a million year question.


"What I'm saying is our world has been suffering through great darkness. Our kind overthrows yours in misery, but you." He takes my face in his hands while lowering himself to be eye level with me. "You are the light. You are what is suppose to bring external peace among of kinds and it all starts with me."

"W-what do you mean?" I question nervously.

"There's a prophecy that states, in time of war between the races a man of power will fall in love with a girl destined to slavery to end the chaos and create eternal peace"

"I-I don't u-understand" I stutter confusedly.

"You are the prophecy Miabella, you were born to be put into slavery as you are human and the vampires control everything. The God's above have sent you to me, of royal blood. You were made as my mate and that we have been destined to end this darkness and bring light into all of our lives. I've felt from the start a strong attraction to you that I know could only be from your mate, your soulmate, the one that is destined to be with you for internal life, and I was granted with you my piccolo uccello" he explains to me while I'm left speechless. He feels the same pull too.

I didn't know I was crying until Ronan swiped his thumb across my cheekbone to wipe away my lonely tears.

"I'm so sorry for the way I've been acting and treating you and all the foul words I have said to you, I didn't mean any of it" he looks at me apologetic while caressing my cheeks softly. I give him a small smile and move my hand to sit on his cheek and he unconsciously leans into my touch.

"It's okay. I'm here, you're here, we're both here together and that's all that matters" I tell him deeply my voice filled with undying want for him. The corners of his lips tug upwards in a small smile as looks between my eyes and my lips. Oh he doesn't know how bad I want those lips on mine.

He slowly leans his head towards mine close enough that our noses our mere millimeters apart and I can feel his hot steamy breath blowing and mingling with mine.

I flutter my eyes close taking in the moment and the feel of him so close to my body yet still not close enough. I wait for him to move in closer and eliminate the space between our lips but it doesn't happen. Just as I'm about to open my eyes again I could feel his body heat radiating on mine a sign that he moved towards me lessening the space between us. I breathe in deeply and can smell a hit of his cologne which sends my senses wild. He smells delightful.

I can feel his warm breath against the smooth skin of my neck. A soft gasp escapes through my lips as I sense a wet substance swirling around making small circles on my tender skin. Soon enough the feel of Ronan's delicate lips are upon my neck. Unknowingly I lean my head back and to the side to give him further access to my nape. I feel him smile into me as he registers the affect he's having on me. His hands found their way to my hips gripping them and moving the all across my lower back until they reach the bottom of my ass and gives it a slight squeeze. My hormones were flying through the roof as a soft moan leaves my lips.

He takes this moment to slid his tongue into my mouth, mingling our taste buds together and fighting for dominance. Suddenly he lowers his hands to behind my thighs and effortlessly lifts me up and puts his hands under my bottom as I wrap my legs securely around his waist. Carefully he stalks towards his bed a takes a seat of the edge making sure to never break our kiss.

His rough hands find their way under my shirt as he tenderly rubs my back. My fingers end up tangled in his silky dark hair and I pull at the ends earning a throaty growl from him. I smirk against his lips as he tugs at the hem of my shirt indicating he wants it off. We both pull back from our heated session so that Ronan could lift my shirt over my head. Soon enough our lips are attached to one another fighting for dominance.

His hands soon reach up my upper back his fingers grazing over my bra. He runs his fingers over the thin material. His hands cup my breasts as I moan deeply into his mouth. His thumbs rubbing circles over the sensitive skin.

His lips leave mine as they leave a hot trail down my neck and in betweens my breasts leaving tender kisses making my lower abdomen cry out for him. I rock my hips into him wanting to be even closer than we already were. His lips make their way back to the space between my collarbone and my nape. I could feel the protruding of his fangs grazing over my delicate skin. Was he going to bite me? 

Suddenly fear starts to fill me in remembrance of the excruciating pain that I felt the last time he bit me, but it goes away once he starts to rub loving circles on my back.

"Don't worry my piccolo uccello, I won't hurt you" he cooes in my ear. I thoughtlessly relax in his touch.

"I know."

"We must get some rest. We have a lot to discuss tomorrow" he says and I only nod in response.

He brings me into his arms as he lays back against the bed. He pulls me into his chest while securing his arms safely around me. Instantly I feel my body shut down in desperate need of sleep.

"Goodnight Miabella" he whispers.

"Goodnight Ronan."

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