Sherlock: Speak Now

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They say your wedding day is supposed to be one of the best days of your life, and at this moment you believed it. You were walking down the aisle, your father's arm linked with yours. Your dress flowed behind you and for once you felt beautiful, truly beautiful. You smiled shyly at your family and friends, not used to the amount of attention they were giving you. Okay halfway down the aisle don't fall don't fall don't fall, you thought to yourself. You looked to your left, noticing Mary, John, Lestrade, Molly, Mrs. Hudson, and much to your surprise, Sherlock, standing in the pews. In all honesty you had not expected Sherlock to come: 1. because he hated events where there were more than seven living, breathing human creatures 2. because for the first three years you had known Sherlock you had the biggest crush on him and for the longest time he either completely ignored you or shut you down, thus leading to you eventually accepting how deep in the friend zone you were 3. because he hated your fiance ever since Lewis told him that being a detective and solving crimes was a childish job. Speaking of Lewis, you looked up the aisle and caught his eye. His coffee stain colored skin stood out from the black tuxedo he wore, and even from 25 feet away you couldn't help but be pulled into his luring eyes. He smiled boldly at you with white teeth and you weren't sure what a perfect god like him saw in a peasant like you. You were always in awe of him - his beauty, his riches, his style - which left you feeling somewhat horrible about yourself at times, but his smile would fill you up with happiness once again.

You reached the steps and Lewis stepped down to receive you from your father. Your dad, with his graying hair and small smile, kissed your cheek, shook Lewis' hand, handing you over to your future. Lewis flashed you a smile, then led you up to where the minister stood. He gripped your hands tightly and you noticed for the first time how yours looked out of place in his. As the minister began though, all doubtful thoughts left your brain.

"We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you."

"Wait they're actually getting married?" whispered Sherlock to John.

John looked at Sherlock, wondering how such a smart man could be so stupid sometimes. "What did you think they were doing Sherlock? A play?" Mary elbowed John in the side, putting a finger to her mouth to silence both the boys. Sherlock gave John a horrified look, his mouth dropping open in shock and eyes filling with regret.

"She can't marry him," muttered Sherlock. "She deserves better. And if she marries him then.. then.."

"Then what?" asked John. Sherlock ignored him. "Since when do you care so much about (y/n) and her love life?"

"I've always cared," he answered defensively, acting now as if John was the stupid one. "I just thought Lewis was a stage she was going through, then she would come back to me."

John gave Sherlock a dumbfounded look. "What do you mean you've always cared? Why did you put her off all those years then? You broke her heart you know."

"I did?" asked Sherlock. Mrs. Hudson smacked him in the stomach with her purse, pointing up at the altar and giving him a stern look. His eyes grew sadder and softer as his mind raced through all the conversations he ever had with (y/n). "I thought I was being pretty obvious about my feelings towards her."

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