Molly x Male Reader: The Asking

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Request for LukeAJC


You gave the door two quick knocks, then stepped inside. You smiled when she looked over at you, your heart skipping slightly. "Hey (y/n)," she smiled, removing her gloves and disposing of them in the trash. She covered back up the body and you watched her careful movements. She always looked so lively compared the bodies she dealt with, well, and everyone else you encountered.

To you, Molly Hooper was the most amazing woman on the planet. Now I just have to tell her you thought to yourself. 

"Oh, (y/n), you're here," grumbled a voice to your left. You hadn't noticed Sherlock when you walked in and you groaned inwardly. Somehow the detective always managed to pop up at the wrong moments. You knew that Molly had a crush on him, but you couldn't see why. Well, besides the fact that we was an intelligent, murder solving man with high cheekbones and a mysterious past. 

Okay, so maybe you saw why she liked him. 

"What are you doing here?" asked Molly. Butterflies soared in your stomach as she stepped closer to you, her perfume reaching your senses. She was adorning a light red lipstick that matched the natural blush that coated her cheeks. You were lost in her beauty. "(Y/n)?" she asked again. 

You instantly snapped out of it, the sound of her voice saying your name shot you back into reality. "Oh, uh, sorry, forgot where I was for a moment," you stuttered. 

"Smooth," you heard Sherlock mutter, and you shot him a dirty glance even though his back was turned. 

"Ignore him," said Molly, rolling her eyes.

"Right, well, uh, I was just hoping to speak to you alone," you said, trying to smile but feeling your mouth barely twitch up. You weren't sure what had gotten into you. You had always been so good at talking to women, but then you met Molly and suddenly you had forgotten how to piece together words and make coherent sentences. Of course, you had known her for a year now, and you had gotten better, but now that you were trying to ask her out finally, the awkwardness had returned. 

"Yeah sure," she answered, giving you a curious look. "Sherlock will you leave us for a bit?" she called behind her. 

"Why? I already know what's going to happen," he said, his head buried in a microscope. 

"And what's that?" she asked, shaking her head at Sherlock and giving you a laughing look. But you weren't laughing. You knew how observant Sherlock was. What if he ruined this for you?

"(Y/n)'s going to ask you out. You're going to blush. Think about me. Realize that I will never date you. Then think about (y/n) and how you always had a slight crush on him too, but you always thought he would never be into you. Somehow that stopped you from liking him this past year, but hasn't stopped you from liking me these past years. In the end you say yes and go on a typical date where he walks you to your flat, you kiss, then you end up getting married and having 1.75 kids and a medium sized dog. Maybe a cat if there's no allergies. Are you allergic to cats (y/n)?" 

There was a overwhelming silence that filled the room. 

"Well, are you?" asked Sherlock, finally looking up from his microscope. But you were too frozen in shock and embarrassment to answer. The bastard had ruined it for you. Now Molly would think you were a wuss and-

"Were you really going to ask me out?" asked Molly, her dark eyes attaching directly to yours.

"Well, ufgh, y-yeah," you managed to get out. You heard Sherlock snuff and you shot him yet another dirty glare. Then you looked up at Molly. She was biting her lip in concentration and staring off down towards the ground. "Do you want to go out with me?" you asked slowly, the words broken apart with a slight pause in between.

Molly looked up at you, a slight smirk on her face. "Sherlock, do I?" she asked, the smirk growing bigger.

"Yes," he answered simply with a sigh.

"Yes," she said again, stepping closer to you. 

You finally felt like you could breathe. She had said yes. You were finally going to be able to take the girl of your dreams on a date. "7 o' clock Friday work?" you asked.

"Perfect," she said with a cute nod.

"I'll pick you up then," you answered back, suddenly finding the act of speaking a lot more easier. 

"And I'll be waiting," she smiled back, leaning up to plant a kiss, the first of many, on your cheek.


Quick update. 

Literally busted this out at 3am in like 20 min so I'm extremely proud.

Momma loves ya




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