First Date Part Two

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Daniel: You looked at yourself in the mirror. Even though you always thought that you looked horrible, you had to admit that you looked kind of decent today. You also thought, I'm very lucky to be going to homecoming with Daniel. The doorbell rang allowing butterflies to roam around your stomach. On the other end of the door Daniel had appeared.

"Hey," You greeted him.

"Woah, you look amazing." He said not taking his eyes off you.

"You don't look so bad yourself." You said heading out the door.

"I know you're not leaving without taking pictures!" Your mom said with a colossal smile plastered on her face.

Normally you would've complained, you hated taking pictures, but with Daniel all your insecurities faded away. While you father was snapping pictures you couldn't help but smile when Daniel was making funny poses just to force you to crack a smile.

"Can we go now?" you complained.

"Yeah honey," Your mother said.

You went to get into the limo where your friends awaited your presence.

"Use protection!" your father called out after you.

"Dad!" you said embarrassed.

"Always," Daniel joked. Or at least you hoped, but then why were you smiling?

You arrived at the dance and had a great time. When it came to a slow song, he took your hand as you swayed along to what became your song.

Luke: You two walked over to Sbarro, the pizza place in the food court. As you were about to take a bite of your huge pizza you hear, "LUKE! Babe, luke!" from a group of screaming girls with cell phones.

"Is that your sister or girlfriend or something?" You said sipping from your Mountain Dew.

"Oh no, just fans." He said.

"That's adorable," You said when a fan pulled a chair up to your table of two.

"Hey," Luke said.

"Remember today because today is the day you met your wife." She said attempting a seductive tone. Luke chuckled and his cheeks were slightly flushing.

"We would make gorgeous babies." She said and that set you off, you couldn't stop laughing after that.

"Excuse me slut, but I'm not joking." She said, mean mugging you. Okay now she took it to far by calling you a slut.

"I'm sorry?" You scoffed, she was really testing your patience.

"You heard me loud and clear, what are you doing with this bitch anyways?" She turned to Luke.

"Ugh," I scoffed, it's the best you could do because you were trying to calm down. You laid your head back and began to take deep breaths in an an attempt to calm down.

"So now I'm the slut, really, hmm I'd like to see things in your perspective but I can't get my head that far up my ass." You retorted.

Before she had a chance to respond, Luke began laughing hysterically. She threw a bitch fit and sashayed away.

"You sassy bitch," he joked. You threw a balled up straw wrapper at him in response. After that you two made a big mess causing you two to get kicked out, but you didn't mind, you had a grand time.

Beau: "Hello gorgeous," Beau said as you opened the door to him.

"Hey." you rolled your eyes, when was he going to grow out of that nickname?

"Ready to go?" He asked while taking your hand.

"Yeah, where are we headed off to?" You said closing the door behind you.

"That is a surprise." he said tapping your nose.


"Are we here yet?" You asked, shifting in your blindfold as Beau walked you down a couple steps.

"Yeah," Beau said untying the blindfold. To your surprise there were lights and lanterns illuminating a tent beside a dock with a beautiful view.

"Woah," You said, nearly speechless. 

"You like it?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. You didn't have to go through all that trouble-"

"Well, I convinced you to go on a date with me, and I just wanted to impress you" Beau interrupted.

"Just relax, you don't have to do all this to impress me, just be yourself." You say, taking a seat in the sand. Beau had a delicious dinner made for you two. Once you ate he took you to the dock and you two danced and fooled around the rest of the night.

James: James was being quite the gentleman in the coffee shop you two found. He pulled out the chair for you allowing you to take a seat. We sat in silence for a while but it felt nice not awkward at all. James smirked and chuckled.

"What?" you asked.

"Nothing it's just that you're really pretty," James said.

"You're such a flirt." You laughed.

For the rest of the evening you to really got to know each other. You both had an amazing time.

Jai: "I suck." you laughed.

"Y/n you're not that bad," Jai said.

"Oh really that explains the five gutters in a row!" You said in between laughs.

"All it takes is practice. Here, let me show you." Jai said wrapping his arms around yours, letting him take control of your body. You released the bowling ball together, earning you a strike.

"Oh my gosh, you're a miracle worker, I could just kiss you right now!" You said turning around to face Jai.

"No one's stopping you." He said leaning towards you. Your lips touched gently for the first time...

A/N: I just want to thank you guys for 130 reads!!!!! I never thought that would happen. I am hoping for you guys to begin to comment I'm running out of ideas, hence my lack of updates.  I also hope you guys cand spread the word and follow my instagram @theprofessionalfangirl35 for more imagines and preferences. Need I remind you I take request for personal imagines. Just tell me which boy, what situation, and a little bit about yourself.

E/N (Editor's Note): Thanks for all the reads, you guys are amazing! Don't forget to check out our other works, it's only one, but please read! It's a fanfic and I think you'd all really like it. But once again, thank you for everything and don't forget to vote, comment, and spread the word. If you want a personal imagine, be sure to leave a comment with which boy, a situation, and some info about yourself. Also, please leave ideas for other imagines/preferences. Thanks guys!

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