The Day that the Sea was ACTUALLY Boring for Annabeth

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Being a demigod, I know that life is like a roller coaster. A broken roller coaster, that you sign a waver just to get in. But I really thought that my life was starting to look up, I mean, I didn't have a major monster fight in at least 4 months (the war with Gaea was already 4 months ago, thank the gods I'm still alive) and things were going great with Percy. She was already looking into collages, at 17 years old! Well, I guess she should have expected the fates to ruin anything great in her life. Oh yeah, you probably want to know what happened, don't you? Well, it started like this.
I woke up at 5:30AM, which is late for me, in a cold sweat. I had the dream again, about an eagle, with a 17 foot wing span. It was tearing the camp to shreds, and no one could do anything about it because they were being chained up by some girl. I don't like her. I don't like the way she's looking at Percy. I really don't like her. I thought scowling. During my dream, I was hiding behind cabin 1, Zeus's cabin, and watching the girl. The logical thing to do was go get help, but Percy isn't logical, and Percy was being chained up, by some MANIAC GIRL who was clearly stealing my boyfriend. So, I ran into the battle screaming,
"FOR SEAWEED BRAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Like I said. Not logical. I probably would have won the fight with my stealthy logic of screaming, but the dream ended there. It always did. For a full week, the same dream. And today I finally found out what it meant. At least some of it.
As I was walking, I saw a Pegasus over head, that was blocking out the sun. Wow that's one big Pegasus. I thought before it came closer. Being ADHD, I drew my weapon, a shining bronze dagger, and stalked the horse. Lucky me, I was right. It wasn't a Pegasus, it was an eagle- the eagle. A giant bird dived toward me with its talents razor sharp. Knowing I couldn't win this fight, I ran to the woods. The eagle landed, opening the ground underneath it in a huge hole. Whoops. I thought as I ran for my life. I hope CHB has good insurance. I snickered. It would be my last laugh in a while. As much as I hoped the eagle would give up, it only tried harder. It barreled toward me and finally grabbed me by the leg.
Ok, plan B, I thought. I cleared my throat. "PPPPPPEEEEERRRRRRCCCCCYYYYYYYYYYY! HELP PERCY! SOS! WWWHHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I know, not very flattering, but hey, I figured if I could wake Percy (looking back on it, I realized I never could) he would freak out and hurricane the life out of this King-Kong bird. Unfortunately, my Prince Charming was a heavy sleeper (and drooler) so I couldn't get any help from him
"PERCY! CHIRON! CONNER! PIPER LEO, ANYONE???" I realized I was to far for them to hear me. Speaking of...
"WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE WE GOING YOU STUPID BIRD!!?!?!??" Thankfully, he didn't respond. It looked like we were just going out to sea. Which reminded me of Percy. I choked back a tear. It was almost 6:10 now. Chiron must be up. I wondered if he knew I was gone. My face turned red. The eagle was holding me in a way that I couldn't flail around or stab him. Smart.
"6:30AM" I said out loud. "Are we seriously going to nowhere Talent?" (That's what I decided to call him.) There was nothing but ocean as far as the eye could see. I was really starting to get sick of this view.
"Uuuuuuuggggg." I groaned, "if your going to kidnap me, could you at least make it more interesting? This would be the most boring book ever!"

Unknown..... For now

Our tracker found her by the ocean, but what we saw, boss wouldn't believe, and neither would his clients. We sent our submarine toward her and saw the HUGE eagle with her. Our employees got the cameras rolling in awe.
"Boss won't believe this!" I yelled "This story could start my carreer!" I exclaimed
"OMG OMG OMGGGG!" Yelled Sophie "ITS ANNABETH!!!! OMG!!!!!!"
" How did you get aboard again?" I groaned. Sophie was some Percabeth fangirl and followed us along on missions.
"My amazingness is enough explanation." She proclaimed. The 12 year old was in a PJO and HOO phase, and we simply couldn't stop her from giggling aboard the ship. Any way, back to the mission. She was flying fast and our engines were buzzing. We realized soon enough that this would last long, so we turned back to HQ, where boss was waiting. We waited an hour before we reached land and another half to reach HQ.
"BOSS!" I yelled " I have the story you have been waiting for!" I might have fan girled myself a little.
"Alright. Tell me. I hope I can leave them on a cliff hanger again!" Boss said.
I smiled. "Oh, then you will be pleased, great and mighty, Rick Riordan!"


YES. That can be only one person. And yes, I did just put you on a Rick-hanger. Boom. Anyway, hoped you liked it. I might have fangirled (or Sophied) a bit while writing this. And feel free to replace Sophie's name with yours, because hey, we all do anyway!

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