Never Ask Talent for Emotional Help

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Being alone on a deserted island for an hour, really gives you time to think. And with a full hour, I still had no idea what to do next. So, I walked back to Talent and waited for him to wake up. I did realize one thing, that Annabeth fraud was probably at camp right now, and that would mean that someone would notice that she wasn't me. At least Percy would notice. He would never fall for it... Right? Ugg, my confidence is crumbling. I'm afraid my sanity is next.
"TALENT!! WAKE UP YOU BIRD BRAIN!!!!" I screamed in his robotic ear. Talents eyes shot open and he took off. I had a split second to grab onto the rope and go with him, which is more appealing than it sounds. Okay, now that I was making some progress I could think of what to do when I got there. Let's see, it was about 2:00 AM, and judging by the time it took to get to the cave from camp, I had about 2 and a half hours of flying left before I would see the CHB. I looked down. The sea was very rough today, no ship could sail. Maybe once I got back I could slap Percy for thinking that some imposter was me. Seriously, this is a very low point in our relationship. How would things be after this? Would Percy get super worried and act weird? Or would our relationship just crumble. I let a tear roll down my face. And then I just broke out crying, which, I know, is super flattering. Apparently Talent took this as a treat and started freaking out. He went in dozens of circles and loops that I almost let go.
"Talent, please. Don't drop me." I pleaded. The ocean was starting to get rougher, and it was the perfect place for a dramatic drop. "Talent NO!" I yelped before I went crashing down at the mercy of the waves. It only took a second for me to be fully taken by the sea. I went under then over then under again. A wave allowed me to take one final breath before I sunk down to the depths. I knew that I didn't have long before I would black out, and probably drown, so I pleaded to Poseidon for as long as could stay awake, Please, my lord. I need your help. I- I and that's when my sight went black. And for a long time it stayed that way, until I saw a single light, coming closer.
"Poseidon?" I asked, as the light became more human- shaped. "Annabeth. Your lucky I'm in a good mood, and you date my favorite son. I'll spare you." Poseidon grumbled. "I'm assuming you will be going to Camp Half Blood?" He asked
"Y- yes." I stammered. How long was I out? I wondered before Poseidon snapped his fingers and my vision cleared. I was back in the sea, but above water (thank the gods) and the storm had past. The current was pushing me, toward camp, I assumed. The water made all my bruises heal, and it made me feel energized and refreshed.
(Annabeth woke up from her vision at 4:00 AM, two hours before...)
Isabella Grace
I grumbled as a man shook me awake. He was very tall and had a stormy gray beard. "Good morning. It's time for you to finish your job." I heard pride in Zeus's voice, but he tried to hide it from me. I decided to take that as a complement.
"Alright," I sat up and grumbled,"you should go, before anyone sees you." Zeus nodded and started to glow. I covered my eyes to avoid disintegration, and when they opened, he was gone, but Malcolm was awake. His face showed confusion. "We can start in cabin 6" I walked over to Malcolm and bonked him over the head. "That, was the highlight of my week." I exclaimed after he fell over on the hard wood. I dragged him over to the wall and sat him upright.
"Could you be any weirder when you sleep?" I said to him as he snored and drooled like a dog. I grabbed a string of chains, stolen- I mean, bought, from the blacksmith God himself. I wrapped the metal around Malcolm tightly, and moved on to the other campers in the cabin, my next victims.
(Ok, just saying. It took at least 2 hours just to chain up most of the camp, so I'm going to tell you about just a few cases)
A few campers woke up before I could tie the, down. You guessed it, the children of the big three. Well, I assumed because I didn't chain up Percy or Jason yet. They were all pretty much the same. Snoring campers, some sleep talking, others sleep sneezing (don't ask.) I dragged all of them out in front of they're cabins, unconscious, most of them, but a few woke up and I didn't bother knocking them out again. I was doing pretty well, but then I got to Percy. He was in his usual sleep position- drooling and in a mess of blankets, and I realized that if Percy realized I wasn't really Annabeth, well, let's just say I'd have another Percy Tornado. I pulled a special vile out of my pocket and looked at the potion inside. "Percy. I'll do you last. I have one other person to deal with aside from you." In response, Percy drooled some more. Figures.

I walked out of the Poseidon cabin and strolled over to Zeus's. I opened the door. "Jason, I've been waiting for you, brother." I whispered. Jason was a perfect sleeper. He didn't snore or drool like most of the camp, he just laid down as a perfect sleeping beauty. I snickered and pulled him out of bed, chaining him just like the rest of the camp. Jason started grumbling something and I was afraid he'd wake up, but he just drifted back to dream world. "Jason, your just like the rest of this sorry camp. Useless." I laughed at the helpless boy as I pulled him out the door. Did I hear someone?
"Annabeth?" Chiron asked. I turned around and dropped Jason. "Chiron, I. " I chuckled "Your turn." I punched the center in the nose and he fell over in a pile of shame.

Hahahahahahhahaaha. I'm so evil. Thanks everyone for reading this chapter, I had never dreamed of having this many fans. I makes my day to write for you. Anyways, I'll have a new chapter written soon, I hope you can keep reading! I realized that I should probably mention that these characters are not mine, (besides Isabella) they're Uncle Ricks. Thanks for reading! Bye for now!

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