The Future

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"PERCY GET THE MINI VAC!! ALLY ATE A LEGO AGAIN!!!!" I screamed down the hall. A tall, 25 year old man poked his head out of the nursery. "Umm. Sorry. Charlie's using it for the toilet. Don't ask." He mumbled, as I freaked. I ran to the girl and gave her a quick squeeze before the yellow piece popped out. "PERCY GET SILENA!!!! SHE NEEDS TO GET READY TO GO TO THAT COLLAGE FOR ADMINISTRATION!!" I yelled before he frowned again,
"Umm, yeah. I'll go get the 7 year old ready for collage. But can it wait until this," Percy looked into the bathroom "problem, sorts out." I groaned. Gods, I never thought kids would be this difficult. I mean, we survived Tartarus, saved the world, fought literally thousands of monsters, and now I fall asleep every day hoping that it will save me from this nightmare. But hey, I'm a demigod, night mares are my specialty.
"OH MY GODS ANNABETH CHARLIE IS GOING IN THE TOILET!!!!! ANNABETH ITS A CODE YELLOW!!!" Percy yelled. Man, I feel bad for my neighbors. Then again, this happens every summer Monday.
"Percy, just get fly swatter and get him out. Then go help Silena with her makeup. On second thought, let me do the makeup." I could just imagine Percy turning our daughter into a clown, using up every last lipstick in this country.
"MOOOOOMMMMMYYYY!!!! Should the water in the sink be... Hairy?" Ally yelled to me.
"PERCY GET THAT KID OUTTA THAT TOILET!!!!" I screamed before the phone went crazy. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I asked "Is this the Jackson number?" Someone said. "Depends. Who is this?" I lowered my voice.
"HEY MOM IS THAT A PHONE??" Ally asked as she took it and began talking to it.
"Hello phone person! ARE YOU MAGIC!! Can I have a regular size pineapple pepperoni with extra cheese for free please?" I grabbed the phone and apologized. "Listen, Mrs. Jackson. I hope you do know that it is SIX in the morning and-" I interrupted the stranger "is this another noise complaint?" He paused "yes" I groaned "Oh. The. I don't need this" and I hung up. "Daddy, what's on your phone?" Charlie asked before he pressed a button. Under the sea, under the sea! Under the sea!! Everything's better, down where it's wetter und- Percy shut off his music, still jamming out.
"Percy-" Silena pulled at my jeans for no apparent reason "it's time to call a babysitter." Everyone in the house froze.
"Annabeth, the last time that happened, the guy left begging for his life. And he was trained in the army!" Percy argued.
"I know, I know. But I need a break. We need a break," Silena looked confused "A break from what?" She asked as Charlie brought a match to a ten dollar bill. I looked at Seaweed Brain. He nodded and soon, we had a teenager at our door. "If everyone can survive tonight, we will give you full pay. If not, then you get nothing. Deal?" The girl shook my hand and walked in, clearly realizing that the kids were crazy. I slammed the door and looked at Percy,
"Ready for a movie?" I asked. Percy walked to a car and nodded approvingly.
(Half and hour later)
"Wait, what movie is it again?" I asked my husband. "It's a surprise. And by that, I mean I forgot which one I bought. Come on!" He ran to theater 6 and I followed with my arms full of snacks. We had to watch a few minutes of trailers before the movie could start. "Do you suffer from extreme fears?" Said the trailer on screen. What a strange thing to be playing in a movie theater. I thought before it continued talking "Are you afraid of, heights" a cliff showed on screen "the dark" the screen became black. "Percy," I mumbled before the announcer spoke "Spiders" a horrifying tarantula flashed on,
"AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed bloody murder on the top of my lungs.
"AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Oh gods, my fear is hard to express in writing. Everyone in theater 6 went home without an ear drum that night. So did theaters 5, 7, 4, and basically the entire building. I could have stayed there screaming until I died, but then the lights went on and the Stolls walked in.
"YOU JUST GOT STOLLED!!" The two twin howled with laughter. I paused
"Wait. You, mean there is no spider? It was all FAKE?" I asked
"Yeah! You've probably heard of our pranking show coming out soon. Pranking with the Stolls!" Conner explained
"That spider wasn't really there, but the one that we filmed is HERE!!" Travis picked up a cage with a furry killer inside.
You guessed it. I screamed. You probably could have heard it to the underworld and back, but I managed to close my mouth before I permanently damaged any one. Conner just stood there, scared. Travis passed out. But most of all, Percy tripped and landed in the popcorn. Serves him right for making me carry it.
He struggled out of the snacks, picking kernels out of his hair. "Hold up, are we on TV?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and dragged him out of the theater, pushing over Conner as I passed him. I tried to apologize to the staff but they would have banned me either way.
Driving home was scary, considering it was night. But opening the door to home, was a crime scene. The girl I had hired wasn't to be seen, probably for a while. Ally was cooking the kitchen, by opening everything she could reach and dumping it on the island. Charlie was setting some rope on fire, (Gods, he spends to much time with Leo,) which I hope didn't lead to the babysitter. Finally, Silena was reciting words of Einstein and Van Goh on a stool made of Lego bricks. I looked to Seaweed brain for suggestions, but he gave me his dumb-found look. I sighed and stepped forward.
"EVEYONE!" Everyone in the house froze. "Where is the kind girl who willingly walked into this house?" I asked kindly.
Charlie looked down his flaming rope that lead to the closet.
"You didn't" My face hardened as I ran to the closet. Inside was the girl, but she wasn't tied up like I had thought she'd be. She was texting her friends on her phone, not noticing me in the slightest. I grabbed her phone and dropped it on the soggy ground. She did not seem pleased to see me there.
"Good news! We survived! Can you pay me now?" She asked. I sighed.


Thanks for reading everyone! I hoped you liked it, because I did! I do not own the works of Rick Roiden, you can probably guess what characters are mine! Because I loved writing this Future Chapter so much, I'm going to do another to fit in everyone else at CHB /Camp Jupiter. (Wow, that's a lot of people *me talking sarcastically* I might have to write TWO new future chapters...)

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