Our Defalt Leader Leaves us Stranded

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"Where is he?" I yelled. We have been looking for almost an hour, and we still couldn't find Percy. He had swum away from us, and he couldn't hear when we shouted. "Keep looking, I know he wouldn't leave us." I shouted to the camp.
"Um, Piper," Leo rode up on a massive bronze dragon, Festus. "What if he did? Maybe he wanted us to go back to camp, you know, maybe."
"Well, to be fair, he is the son of Poisiden, savior of Olympus, twice. And he has fought thousands of monsters, and plenty of Titans/Giants. He even survived Tartarus. LITERALLY. Maybe he doesn't need our help." Leo argued.
"Why do you have to be right only when it annoys me?" I asked "Fine. EVERY ONE. PERCY DOESN'T NEED US. LETS GO BACK TO CAMP" I was really in a shouting mood today. Maybe because we all woke up and hour before usual.
I was imagining where Percy might be right then, and I saw the two Stoll brothers, asleep on their Pegasus. I looked over to Leo and grimaced. "Don't do it mechanic boy." Leo smiled and blew his fog horn.
"AHAHAHAHHA" Conner shouted " WHAT?!?" Travis responded.
Honestly, I laughed. It was fun to finally get revenge on the boys who "borrowed" allow your toothpaste and replaced it with hot sauce, (an experience I would not suggest)and drilled holes in all the canoes, (or was that Leo?) Anyway, we all got back to the camp as tired as ever, and decided to tell Percy there was a storm, so he wouldn't kill us all. I walked to the Athena cabin for a visit, and to see if they knew anything about Annabeth. But as I went into cabin six, I saw no one inside, which scared me, and then, a vision of an of an eagle appeared over Annabeth's bunk. The eagle was flying around somewhere over the ocean. Then it's started to fade, and I saw the regular cabin again.
"Oh my gods." I muttered "The eagle. It-it. It can help us find Annabeth!" I shouted with glee.
"7Chiron! CHIRON! I HAVE THE ANSWER!" I darted through crowds of groggy campers to the big house."CHIRON!!!!!" I yelled as I slammed into the porch door. Right on time, Chiron opened the door on my face. "Hello? Did someone need me?" He asked, blindly.
"Yes." I groaned "Down here." Chiron gasped "Oh gods, I'm sorry Piper, come in." He helped me up and let me inside. I accepted his cold glass of water, and began telling him about my vision.
"There was an eagle soaring through the sky," I started "over an ocean I assume is near camp somewhere. And after it faded, I figured that it must be meant to help us find Annabeth!" I smiled, expecting him to be impressed by my quick thinking (like everyone was!) And I wasn't disappointed.
"Wow Piper. Are you sure there was nothing else? Usually a vision leads to a major quest that lasts, like a few books worth! And those visions are longer than a few seconds," Chiron argued "And-" "Good! I don't want a major quest, I just want my friend back. I mean, how ridiculous does it sound for a brilliant architect who survived Tartarus to simply be defeated by some low-life kidnapper? I'm not crazy to think that's ridiculous, am I?" I announced. I know I'm not big for meaningful words, even being Aphrodite's child, but this really meant something to me. And yes, I am a little crazy today, but I can't give up in Annabeth. "I hope I was helpful, try to make a plan without me, I have something to do." And with that, I left the big house. I ran to my cabin and searched through my bag. I know demigods aren't supposed to use technology, but I was desperate. I finally found a very late model of a cell phone and dialed a few digits into the devise. I brought the phone to my ear. "Jason," I said "We have a code Percabeth."

The Boss
"Hhhmmmmm" I thought. "I can't find the perfect way to put this. I need more DRAMA! Somebody get me something!! Where's Dan?!" I shouted "COMING SIR," A voice yelled in the hall. Even I, an amazing author, couldn't always be, well, innocent. Sometimes a guy just needs a minion he can boss around. Yes, maybe I should give him some credit, but to be fair, up until now he got me nothing when it came to drama. And I NEED drama for my AWESOME books! Would you read a book with 6 pages describing boredom. Yeah. That's what he gave me.
"IM HERE BOSS! I HAVE NEW DEVELOPMENT ON THE STORY!" Dan screamed at the top of his lungs.
"I CAN HEAR YOU DAN! YOUR LIKE A YARD AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted. Seriously, he was aggravating.
"Sorry Boss. I just-. The camp has gone back! They believe that the bird is good!" He shouted gleefully.
"Ahhh, yes. I need more story's like that! Now LEAVE! I have a chapter to write." I stepped out of my chair and shooed him away. I walked to my writing room, and climbed up the secret ladder. Up, and up, and up. I finally reached the top.
"Oh, great Olympian gods. I apologize for the last cliff hanger, or Rick-hanger, as the mortals call it. I will have a new chapter soo-" I was interrupted "QUIET!!!!" Zeus yelled "IM ALMOST DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER!" He looked down to his book (that was bigger than me) and watched intently. "AAGREGERGG!" He shouted "HOW DARE YOU END THE CHAPTER LIKE THAT! YOU WILL FEEL THE RATH OF THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE, THE GOD OF LIGHTNING, AND THE READER OF RIORDAN BOOKS, AARARARARARGGGG!" Zeus raged.
"I apologize sir. As I have said, the new chapter will come soon. Please, don't kill me." I pleaded
"Hmm. For now." Zeus answered to my plead for life. Ahhh. I love writing for the gods!

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter. The next one will come soon! I would also like to say that I don't have a diabolical army of spies, (or do I?) Well either way, thanks for reading! Talk to you in the next A/N!

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