My Peaceful Swim Ends Black

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Wow I thought as I looked back on my army, a fully armored crowd of about 80 demigods who couldn't stand still with anticipation (and ADHD.) We look awesome I thought before I realized that we had a mission- of finding Annabeth.
"Come on troops!" I yelled "Find a Pegasus! We are starting our search-" I looked around, and something made me choose "there" I pointed to the ocean, and watched my piers hop on their saddles. But I stayed behind, I planned to swim across instead so someone else could use Blackjack. Your a good person Percy. A familiar voice echoed through my head.
"WHAT?!" I yelled, gaining way to much attention I would've liked.
"Uuuh, I'm mean, what are you all doing standing around and-" As I looked, everyone was on they're Pegasus,
"Umm, you know what I mean!" I shouted.
Sorry to startle you. I just need to talk to you. I frowned Dad!? What in the world did he want to say to me? Just chill, okay. Your acting like, well, Annabeth just went missing. Hehe. Okay sorry. But really he shouldn't have let them do that. Geez! Brothers are so annoying! I gasped YOU KNOW WHO TOOK HER TELL ME NOW! I wish I could say I was happy to hear my dad, but at the time, I was in Annabeth freak out mode. Seriously dude, chill. Your lucky I'm in a good mood. But anyway I need to tell you about Annabeth. She-OH NO. HE'S COMING GTG BYE NICE TALK! Even though he couldn't see it, my mouth was wide open. I could have stood there for like, another hour, but my troops already started leaving.
"WAIT UP"I shouted before I dived into the sea.
It seemed like I should have gone almost nowhere with my dive, but I willed the current to my command and shot forward. Instantly I was half a mile out to sea, keeping up with my friends in the air. Some people yelled out to me, but I was to nervous to care. I tried to remember my favorite Annabeth moments. The time that we first met. I thought
When I first remembered her when I lost my memory. The time we fell into Tartarus- together. I might have shed a tear if I wasn't underwater. I kept swimming, and as I looked under, I saw some weird fish, and realized I didn't know how far out we were yet. I looked up and as far as the eye could see, was ocean. Not that I don't like the ocean, it is my favorite spot, but what worried me was that my friends were no where to be seen. Uh oh I thought I must have gone to fa-
I couldn't finish my thought because- yay!- I blacked out. My vision started out black and faded to a horrifying picture. It was the camp, being trash by an enormous bird, while we were being chained up by a girl, who seemed to be eyeing me in an odd way I really hoped wasn't what I thought. The camp was close to destroyed and dozens of demigods were in danger, but worse, I couldn't see Annabeth. My dream started to fade back to the world, which was blue, because I was sinking. Oh gods! I thought. As I jetted up to the surface. I passed a few fish who looked oddly big, one looking like a submarine, and finally reached the surface, where it looked different from when I was up there before. I was in a cave that led to a very suspicious man-made hall. Your welcome. Answered the God of the sea, my dad.


"HOLY HADES" I shouted " Draaamaaa!! Rick will be so pleased! This will be his BEST BOOK EVER! Who doesn't want to see they're favorite characters battle for love?" I was so happy! I finally had a good mission for once!
"Yeah sure, anyway, this story could get me a PROMOTION! Isn't that exiting?????" I squealed
"Not really Dan." Sophie groaned "Can't we just focus on the BEST COUPLE EVER! AHAHAHAHAH!!"
I chuckled. Sophie was so innocent and unaware of my real situation. I was just a low class minion with a dream. A dream to become an author, and have my own diabolical army of spies to find the drama. If only Rick could suggest me to any publisher out there, I could be FAMOUS. My day dreaming was interrupted by the story of the year. Percy got out of the water and uncapped riptide. I looked back and saw the other minions working, either writing or recording.
One of them grumbled, "If only they could make a movie on this stuff that wasn't all lies!" His comment was followed by almost to much laughter. After rolling my eyes, I looked back to the screen where I saw- OH GODS! Percy was slashing through an eagle monster the size of him!
"No." Sophie announced " Percy will prevail and they will live perfect demigod lives!"
I snorted "Great chance. You know, life isn't a fan fiction about Percabeth. We are in reality. Demigods don't live happy lives. They have dramatic twists and turns, that we help write about for Rick to become famous. It's that easy." I huffed
She sat back down, unimpressed. If only my life was being written down, like a story. Then I'd really be famous! I would have thought about that all day if Percy hadn't been awesome. He had disintegrated the Eagles and was moving on. The cave was like a maze- or a labyrinth. I gasped as Percy wandered left into a waft of golden light."O. M. G" Sophie said.


Thanks so much for reading chapter three guys! I had a great time writing it, and making some fun reality jokes too! Anyway, I hope you liked the story so far (or is it a story?) and I expected that you Sophied a little! Get ready for part FOUR coming soon, where we find out........

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