McShizzel Dragon Pick-Up Service

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As soon as Piper called, and said that there was a code Percabeth, I freaked.
"WHAT!?" and immediately hung up. I ran to Reyna and asked her,
"Gods, what's the problem? Is it a-" I interrupted her
"Yes. A code Percabeth. NOW GIVE ME A PEGASUS!" She flinched again and answered
"Sorry, we're fresh out."
My dignity abandoned me and my voice cracked "EAGLES?"
"Nope, they're out training with some new campers. Expect a full hospital tomorrow."
Gah, it's like the fates were making it impossible to get me to Camp Half Blood.
"Doesn't matter, I know how to make arrangements." I made a devilish grin and ran out the door. I grabbed my demigod emergency phone and called Piper.
"Hey, Pipes. Listen, I'm going to need a pick up, think you can get McShizzel on the case?"
She groaned and eventually agreed. I hung up the phone and smiled. How long will this take? 2 minutes for a dragon pick up? 1 minute? I thought just before Reyna walked in.
"Wait. I forgot to ask. What is a code Percabeth?" She asked as I looked at her with disappointment.
"You don't know what a code Percabeth is?! It's like, the number one thing we've been training for!" I yelled dramatically.
"Yeah, of corse. The number one thing, if you don't include fighting monsters. And Titans. And Giants."
Her sarcasm impressed me, and I would have made an epic remark back to her, but a few screams of terror interrupt me.
"WHAT IS THAT!!" Someone screamed, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!" Someone else exaggerated.
Reyna looked at me with fear."You didn't."
I only smiled back and ran out the door. An enormous bronze dragon flew threw the camps borders and crashed onto the hill, ruining a nice couples picnic. A new (temporary, hopefully) addition to Festas was a giant sign that read WHASS UP! In bold red letters.
"LEO MY MAN!" I screamed "WHATS WITH THE NEW SIGN?" I'm not sure if he heard me, but he started yelling something about the honor of his father and cool dragons. I walked up to him as he slipped of Festas's back.
"Ha! I did it! I broke through your walls again! WOO! Did I beat the record?" Leo asked.
"One minute overall. Your the all time world champ!" I told him.
"YAASS!!! I WILL RULE THE WORLD! Jase, you can be my Vice President. Now come on, Festas is waiting" He said just before I heard various clicks and squeaks from the dragon.
"LETS GO!" He said before we hopped on. Festas started flapping his wings and we soared through the air, wind brushing my face, and as looked down I saw the whole camp, and I realized that I couldn't see the campers who were training the Eagles. Weird. Before I could ask Leo, he said something to Festas and we went in a diving motion though the tunnel, and into the mortal world, (don't worry, I heard an old lady screaming about a giant pigeon, so I think we're okay.)
"WHEN WILL WE BE AT CAMP?" I asked, as loud as I could
"A FEW MINUTES LEFT!" He screamed back. I looked off to the ground and wondered what it would be like to be a normal person. Without camps, monsters, or swords. Oh my gods, would I go to a school? I thought. Glad I don't have to do that!
Annabeth Fraud
It took only a few minutes for me to feel totally awkward. Being at camp for the first time, was like being at a party where you don't know anyone. Imagine that, but you have to pretend to know everyone, and I have to be honest, Annabeth really did know everyone. I had to avoid names, because I knew almost no one, and it became super weird when the kids in the Athena cabin started talking to me. There were so many times I almost called people weird names that were definitely not right. And it became worse when campers close to Annabeth noticed something wrong, especially that weird kid in the Hades cabin, the boys who arrived on a dragon a few minutes before I came, Piper (that's her name right?), and, of corse, Percy. After dinner, I walked to the beach hoping for some time alone, but I didn't realize that the beach was the perfect place for Percy to find me.
"Hey wise girl," He said to me "What are you doing on the beach?"
Wow, Percy was awesome at making me get goosebumps. "Umm," I couldn't think of what to say to him. Instead, he put his arm around me and whispered,
"You seem different." Oh gods. He was on to me. I almost judo flipped him, but then he whispered again, "I like it" Phew. I slipped my hand into his and we just watched the sea for a few minutes.
"Percy, I-" I couldn't finish my sentence. He just made pretending to be Annabeth so, so. Real.
"Come on, let's go to bed. I'll see you in the morning." And with that, he walked away. I went to my cabin a few minutes after him, because of guilt. I really felt bad about the invasion tomorrow. I was almost to my cabin when I heard something. Don't think like that! He is EVIL! Said a familiar voice in my head. Gods, I knew that voice. I decided to answer back, I wouldn't let you down - He interrupted me NO! Even saying my name in your head is dangerous. Now, go to bed and get some rest. You'll need it. The voice shut off as thunder boomed. He was stirring up a storm- the last storm this camp will see. I looked to the sky and shed a tear. RECITE THE OATH! Something from the sky seemed to say to me. I threw myself on my knees and shouted, "I promise, to for fill my quest, my purpose. My destiny. I promise to respect Zeus's word, and obey his command. I have been called upon, and I will succeed. I, Isabella Grace, will forever be, a servant of Zeus."

Woah, even writing that gave me chills. Woah. I hope you readers like this story so far and expect more soon. I love writing this story and I hope you love reading. WOO! I FEEL SO ALIVE! I think I'll go fangirl in a corner. Bye for now!

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