Preference # 11: You Wear His Clothes

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"Shuck!" I whispered angrily as I stepped out from the pouring rain. My shirt was soaked and I was exhausted, today had been a very long day.

"Everything alright sweetie?" Dylan's tired voice croaked.

"Yeah, I just soaked my shirt that's it." I said sighing.

I heard him move over next to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and drew it back.

"I would say you are wet." He said and I let out a small laugh. He chuckled.

"Here borrow one of my shirts." He said and I felt him place the dry material into my hands.

"Thank you Tommy." I said pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"No problem sweetie." He said as I quickly changed into the large t-shirt.


I cringed as the warm vomit landed on my shirt.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Chuck said shaking.

"It's alright, it was an accident." I said with a sigh. I quickly walked out and into the sleeping quarters. I rummaged through my things before picking up one of my boyfriend's shirts.

I took off my shirt and shimmied into the new clean shirt. I hummed in content before walking out.

"Hey love, is that my shirt?" Newt's bright voice asked as I walked past.

"Yeah, erm Chuck kinda threw up on mine." I said embarrassed. He chuckled.

"You look very cute in my clothes." He said and kissed my nose before returning to his work.


I let out another cough. I was freezing, and felt terrible. Another shiver racked through my body. I sat up and searched for something to help warm me up. I looked to see one of Minho's long sleeve shirts. I tugged it on and smiled at new warmth that surrounded me.

I crawled back into my place, and fell back asleep.

"Babe, how are you feeling?" Minho asked shaking me.

"If you shake me too hard I'll throw up." I said sluggishly. He chuckled.

"Is that my shirt?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I was just really cold." I said, and to follow up my point I sneezed.

"Move over babe, I'll help keep you warm." He said and I smiled. He climbed in next to me and wrapped me in his arms.


It was a hot and humid day in the glade. I was burning up in my long sleeve shirt and pants. Groaning I straightened up and wiped the sweat from my brow and walked over to my boyfriend Gally.

"Hello darling." He said when he saw me approach.

"Hey." I said and hugged him. He gave me a quick hug, wanting to keep his tough act on.

"What's up? Is another glader hitting on you?" He asked angrily.

"No, it's just really hot and I wanted to know if I could borrow a shirt." I said. He smiled.

"Absolutely." He said and kissed my cheek. I thanked him and walked back to the area we shared. I changed quickly and immediately felt a bit of relief.

His shirt went to my knees, after all he was a quite a bit taller than me. I walked back out and gave him a thankful wave. He came running over.

"I change my mind." He said and turned me around.

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

"One, because all the boys are staring at you. Two, that really turns me on." He said cheeks red as I laughed.

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