Imagine #3: Minho

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I angrily put away medical supplies as I tried to control my anger. I was in a perfectly good mood when I woke up, until I went and got breakfast. That's where I ran into Minho, and everything went downhill. He had ran into me making me spill things on myself, I didn't receive a sorry instead I received a 'watch it and stay out of my way.' Minho absolutely hated me, ever since I had came out of the box two years ago. He complained saying that they should just banish me, because I wouldn't help with anything and I would just slow down this whole thing. Initially I had tried to get on his good side, but one can only take so much taunting and rudeness. I think I was more mad at the fact that despite everything he did or said to me, I had a huge crush on him.

"(Y/N)!" A frantic voice collected me from my sulking. I looked to see Thomas dragging along a very distraught looking Minho. He was limping and it looked like he was almost crying.

"What happened?" I asked as they sat him down in front of me.

"I was running, and got distracted and fell pretty hard." Minho hissed with pain.

"Your knee is dislocated, I'm going to have to pop it back in." I said. His eyes widened.

"Thomas I'm going to need you to hold him down." I said and he nodded. He held Minho's arms down. I got into position.

"On the count of three." I said and they both gave me a nod.

"One...two...three!" A loud pop followed and Minho screamed. It was back in place, and he had passed out. I felt terrible.

"I'll take it from here Thomas." I said giving him a soft smile.

"Thanks (y/n)." He replied before walking off.

I watched over Minho for ten minutes.

"You know, I think I like you better asleep. You're not as much of a slinthead." I said laughing slightly as I brushed some of his hair that had flattened onto his face.

I turned around to finish some work when a voice made me nearly jump out of my skin. It was Minho. I spun around and saw a frail looking Minho.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what?" I asked double checking everything.

"For everything, (y/n) I treat you so terribly. Why on Earth would you help me so quickly?" He asked.

"Well it is sort of my job." I joked but I knew that wasn't the answer he was looking for.

I sighed and shook my head before turning around. I heard him begin to get up.

"Minho sit down." I said going back to him and placing a hand on his chest to keep him down.

"You need to re-" I was cut off by him grabbing my arm and pulling me down to kiss him. I blushed but kissed back.

"I'm not quite sure that's very professional." Thomas said interrupting us. I jumped back and blushed.

"Actually, I believe it was the medjacks orders." Minho said and pulled me back down for another kiss.

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