Episode One: Independence Day

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"Can we go now?" thirteen year old Kara Kent asked her older, adult cousin, Clark Kent impatiently, hopping from one foot to another. She leaned over his chair at his desk as he typed into his laptop.

Clark gave a light chuckle, sliding his glasses further up his nose. "I told you, Kara. I need at least ten more minutes, I've got to finish this story and email it over before we go otherwise I could get fired!"

"Oh, they wouldn't fire you!" Kara drew her head back and took several steps before collapsing on a leather couch. "They would never ever fire their precious Clark Kent, you're the nerdiest guy they've got!"

"Oh, shut up!" Clark rolled his eyes while Kara flashed him a goofy grin. "If anyone's a nerd around here it's most definitely not me, it's probably you!"

Kara opened her mouth in retaliation but before she could say anything a blood curdling scream was heard from down below, drawing both Kent's attention from their little play argument to the streets.

The two saw a slide of ice form from somewhere in the sky to the ground while a girl with skin pale as snow and a crown made from ice went down it on her feet as if she was snowboarding, cackling loudly. She disappeared from sight as she went underneath the window Kara and Clark were observing from the couch and desk.

"Snow Queen." Kara's eyes narrowed as she stared out the window at nothing but the remnants of the slide as it disappeared, clenching her fists in anger.

"Let's move." Clark stated, ripping his fake glasses from his face and throwing them onto the couch before flying at super speed in a circle very quickly so that he could change into his uniform at the speed of light.

Kara followed in suit, forgetting which uniform she had packed for the day. She had many different ones, a white shirt with the "S" and a blue mini skirt, a blue and red leotard with the "S" and a few more. As her blonde hair whipped around while she finally slowed down she realized she was wearing her blue, long sleeved crop top with the red "S", a matching blue pleated mini skirt, and knee high red and gold boots. She also had a red cape.

The two cousins raced out the back of Clark's seventh floor apartment, exiting through the balcony and zooming over the top of the building to observe the chaos and help return things to normal.

Super Girl frowned as she floated over the apartment building. Snow Queen was freezing several people as she glided down ice flooring that was created as she walked. She laughed the whole time.

"Party's over, Snow Queen." Super Girl called as she descended down to meet Snow Queen on the ground. "You've got to take a chill pill." She landed on the ground and began to walk towards the icy villain.

"Super Girl." Snow Queen said venomously, a dangerous sparkle in her eyes. "Did Super Man send his little sidekick to do his bidding again?"

Super Girl did not give Snow Queen the satisfaction of a response and instead made a little grunt in the back of her throat as she charged at Snow Queen, her super speed coming into play.

The villain threw up a wall of ice but before Super Girl could react by dodging or running through and breaking it, it was melted by the man of steel himself and his heat vision.

Snow Queen retaliated by sending icicles at top speed flying towards the two supers but the heroes easily dodged them. SuperGirl flew at super speed towards Snow Queen, waving in and out of the army of icicles, narrowly dodging one and Snow Queens eyes widened right before Super girl tackled her, punching her in the face once so the villain would be knocked out.

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