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"I think they missed you too" you and twan were riding back to the twins house since they said they were having a mini get together. Get together meaning you,twan,the twins, the Paul brothers, Alissa, and Neels. You honestly didn't care about Neels at the moment since twan was now here.

Stepping out of the car you knocked on the door to smiling faces with Neels smiling at you. His smile suddenly dropped to see twan.
Why? Maybe because you were a bit closer to twan and you practically held hands together. You knew twan from Lele who was your other best friend. So you and twan are like siblings.

                 -Fast Forward 10:30 pm-

Everyone was pretty tired and the music got slower. You sat down on your phone with twans head on your shoulder and he sat down with droopy eyes. The Paul brothers along with Marcus were asleep and in less than a few minutes so was twan. Smiling you gently laid him down before you headed upstairs to grab extra clothes when you go back to your brothers.

As you were halfway up the stairs away from people seeing you, you were suddenly pushed up the wall. "Neels?" You asked at the blond haired boy. Your legs were on either side of him before he did a little smile and kissed you. Getting deeper into be kiss he lifted you up and pushed you against the wall. "I couldn't stand you, sitting next to him... When that could've been me" he said while kissing you. "What does this mean between us then?" You said stopping the kiss and touching fore heads.

        "It means, I love you (Y/n) (Y/l/n)"

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