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You sat in the pitch black dark trying to contain your sobs before anyone else heard. The Tv was on showing some stupid TV show you could give less of a fuck about. It was one of those nights where you just let yourself cry from past events.

You cried harder while you clutched the pillow that already was wet from your salty tears. You were alone in the hotel while everyone went out somewhere with their friends while you were stuck in a dark hotel crying. It's normal actually you heard Alissa and the others do the same.

Taking one deep breath in you wiped your tears and fell asleep from tiredness.

                          -8:30 a.m. In van-

"Can you move your fat ass?" You asked Marcus who took up almost the whole seat. "Lucas! Your brother won't move!" You said now practically kicking the boy. "Stop kicking me I need my legs here" you stopped before sitting back down. Hearing someone laugh you turned to Lucas who began to laugh harder at you.

You smirked before climbing in the back seat and poking his sides to which he flinched. "Stop poking me you evil child!" He said tickling you back. "I'm 16! And you're 18 so calm the fuck down!"

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