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Heading downstairs you checked to make sure you had everything. You passed the dark kitchen before hearing someone talk. "Where you going?" You jumped before turning on the lights. "God dammit Neels what?" You said clearly annoyed.

"Where are you going?"
"None of your business"
"And whys that?"
"Because I said so"

As you said that Neels began to walk over to you.

"Are you going out?....on a date?"
"What? No"
"I'm not"
"You're going out with Michael aren't you?"
"No, were really not dating Neels "
"Suit yourself"

He said walking away from you. Once he sat down your phone began to ring. Speak of the devil. You answered before accidentally hitting the speaker button. "Hey babe want to go out for lunch later?" You realized that he was on speaker before hanging up quickly reminding your self to text him.

"No, we're not dating Neels" he mocked you stuffing a piece of bread into his mouth. "Okay whatever I'm leaving" you said walking out before hearing Neels yell. "Get me something!" You shook your head before calling an uber.

Once the the UBER dropped you off at the dollar store you grabbed a basket and began to grab the things needed for the prank. After getting picked up and dropped off at home you opened the door and walked inside. "Hello? Is anybody home?" You put the things into jakes room.

You looked through your closet until realizing these weren't your clothes. Looking through you realized every shirt had the twins faces on them. To make it even worse they had deep faces on the pictures.


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