Chapter 14: Its Not Meant To Be

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{~song for chapter: No Sense-Justin Bieber ft Travis Scott~}
Olivia's POV:
~a week later~
It's our first date tonight.
Well..kinda like 2nd date since our "real" first date was a weird one which was
2 months ago..
I wanted to go to Coney Island since it's beautiful at night
But Jack has plans for us at the movies..
Which sounds good also..
I watch the episodes I missed of
Orange Is The New Black
When I hear my doorknob being twisted
I turn off the tv & Brooke walks in
"Hi Brooke!" I squeal hugging her tight
She tears up
"Brooke what's wrong?" I ask
"I got news.."
"What kind of news?" I ask frowning
"My college wants me to move to France. I don't know France. You do. so I wanted to talk you about-"
"Don't go." I say tearing up
She's my only friend I got here besides Max.
"I have to..unless I go to college-"
"Go to college with me."
"I can't afford NYU" she says wiping a tear of hers
"I want you to go there,please think about it.." I say
She wipes my tears
"Your a good friend..that's why I'm gonna be a good friend & tell you something.." She says rubbing my back
"Bella's downstairs with a boy.."
"What?" I say raising a eyebrow a bit mad
Bella? As in my baby sister Arabella?
"I'm sorry Liv..I saw them & he kissed her.."
"He WHAT?!"
She looks at me scared
Oh shit I've lost it now..
I twist the door knob & rush down the stairs
I see the "guy" & Bella making out on our couch
I clear my throat glaring at them
"Omg sis it's not what it looks like-" she says worried as she fixes her shirt a bit
I clench my teeth
"Upstairs." I say bluntly
"I said upstairs.." I say faking a smile
She runs up the stairs
I glare at the guy who's rushing to leave
"I'll call you Bella..! BYE!" He yells before leaving
I smirk & lock the door
~a while later~
As I'm walking to my room
I got my towel & soaps & lotions
I'm ready for my shower
I hear whispering
I peep through a small crack in Bella's door
I see her talking to him but she's holding his hand
My blood boils
I see her frown as he leaves
Wait a minute..
What's going on?
I open the door slowly
She jumps & looks at me scared
"How long were you-"
"Long enough. Bella what's going on?" I ask sitting on her bed
"Nothing" she lies
"Bella talk to me. Who is he? What's going on?"
She tears up
"He was my boyfriend..I ended it since I couldn't take us sneaking out..-"
"Sneaking out?" I say crossing my arms
"I'm sorry sis. I won't do it again I promise" she says as a tear rolls down her cheek
"Did you guys do anything besides kiss?" I ask
"No. We were only a couple for 2 months..sis..I'll never keep anything from you again. I will study & I won't ever date a guy like him again" she says throwing herself in my arms
"Wait hold on what's wrong?" I ask
A guy like him?
Is he bad?
"He kept forcing me to..lost it to him." She says biting her lip as I see her tremble
"& you.."
"I fought him all the time. Sis he was awful." She says
"Why didn't you talk to me?" I ask
"Because your so busy.."
"Never too busy for my family.." I say wiping her tears
"Get dressed.."
"We're going to the police station"
"Sis he didn't-"
"We're gonna teach him a lesson okay?" I say
She nods & hugs me
We taught the guy a good lesson
I check my watch as I drive my sister home
OMG my date with Jack!
I rush to the movie theater after dropping off my sister
I park it
I see Jack waiting with tickets
"Finally" he says rolling his eyes
I flip him off & snatch the ticket out of his hand
He scoffs
We're sitting down & I don't feel comfortable as we're in the middle
Me,him & only like 5 people are in this theater with us since it's late night..
"I'm sorry Jack my sister-"
"Liv if you had better plans..then you shouldn't had came" he says not looking at me but rather at the screen
The commercials are playing
"You know what Jack? I was busy yes! I should know what's it's like to be busy you own a business..oh I forgot your daddy's boy...which means your father works hard while you sit there & look pretty" I spat at him
"Oh I'm just a pretty face that's what your saying right?" He says mad
"Yes. Because if you loved me. You would've waited with a smile on your face.." I say
"I texted you saying I'll be late" I add showing him my phone
He rolls his eyes for the millionth time
"You know what Jack screw you! I'm leaving & well...goodbye Jack Gilinsky.." I say
I throw my soda on him
He gasps & I take his popcorn & toss it on him
"Enjoy the movie" I say flipping him off
I leave & I lock the car doors & I clutch my chest & I start crying
I get a text
"Yo Liv😝 busy?"
From Max
I wipe my tears & dial his number
"Hello?" He says
"'s me Liv..can we talk?"
I hear him
"Liv are you okay you sound bad.."
"I need someone to talk to right now"
He sighs
"I'll be over.."
"No. Meet me at Central Park please"
"Why don't you come to my dorm?" He asks
"I don't wanna go to the campus unless I'm going to learn" I say letting out a small giggle
"I missed that giggle." He says
I blush
"I'll see you then?" I ask
I smile & as we hang up
I pull out of my parking spot & I drive away from the theater
I see Jack's Ferrari still in the parking lot
I sigh & I drive to the park..
Jack's POV:
There I go again
Always screwing up shit.
I leave the theater after feeling lonely
The happy couples in there made me feel awful
I wish I could apologize to Liv
She's a amazing girl.
She doesn't deserve someone so awful like me..
I drive to a bar
I walk in
There's drinks being served
I sit on one of the bar's chairs
I got a full bottle of tequila & she pours it in Shot Glasses
"For security reasons sir I'll need your ID please" the bartender lady says
I show her my ID
"Okay mr. Gilinsky here's your ID back..I see your over 21" she says & hands me back my ID
She walks away
I start drinking most of the bottle
I feel a tap on my shoulder
I see a gorgeous brown haired girl
With medium height & beautiful green eyes
She looks so much like Liv..
She smiles
"Is this seat taken?" She asks
"No." I say in awe
"What's your number beautiful?" I ask smirking
"Olivia Moretz"
Damn..she has the same name as Liv..
I drink some more on the tequila
"Can I have a cherry?" She asks referring to the bowl of cherries that are next to me
I nod & hand her it
"No silly feed me it" she says flipping her hair & smirking
I get tense & I hold it by the stem
She moves closer to me
I place it in her mouth
She bites on it
The stem pops out
She giggles as I throw it away
"That was fun" I say sounding oddly nervous
"Let's go back to my place.." she says dragging me out of the bar
I bring the same tequila bottle
~after a long car drive~
I'm drunk
I stumble into this random girl's house
It's huge
She helps me in
We end up on the couch from me falling
She giggles & climbs on me
"Jack right?" She asks
"Yes that's right baby" I slur
"I want you.." She says putting the bottle of tequila on her table
I smirk
"You want me?"
She nods & unbuttons my shirt
She drags me upstairs & I follow her into her bedroom
She locks the door & throws herself on me..
The rest you know😉...
Olivia's POV:
I'm at Central Park with Max
We're laughing
as I found it funny
how he brought Bacardi with him
"Max..I missed you so much" I say
I try to open the liquor bottle
"No. I bought it to not use now" he says slapping my hand
I whine & pout
"Your no fun.." I say
He kisses my head
"Your adorable.." He says caressing my cheek
I blush
I get shivers
"Are you cold?" He asks
I shake my head
He takes off his jacket & places it on me
"Come here" he says
I scoot closer to him & he holds me tight
"Max..why do boys hurt me?" I ask
He lifts my chin up with his finger
"Because they're jerks..your amazing Olivia..don't ever think..your not." He says
He leans in
"Max..I'm sorry I gotta go-"
"Wait. I got you something" he says
He brings me a box
I sit on the grass with his jacket still on me
I unwrap it & find a teddy bear stuffed in it with flowers
"This is coming off in a cheesy way but..I love everything you do..when you call me f*cking dumb for the stupid shit I around the park with you..Olivia..will you be more than just my friend? But be my...cuddle bear? Xoxo..-Max" It says
I giggle
He cups my face
"If you don't wanna be with me it's fine..I know since we're friends it's weird..& plus you just got out of a relationship..-"
I peck his lips
"Max..I feel the most comfortable with you.." I say playing with his sandy blonde hair
"Well then..Olivia Primrose Esteves..will you be my gf?" He asks holding my hand
The fact he knows my entire name like that makes me have butterflies in my stomach
I nod & he pecks my lips
I stay cuddling with him until I finally get home
Everyone's asleep
I take a fast shower
I get into comfy pjs & I tie my hair up in a messy bun
I take off every ounce of makeup on my face
I climb into bed & I turn off my lights
I cover myself in my sheets
I don't bother turning on my tv
I just close my eyes & fall asleep with a huge smile plastered on my face..
"It don't make no sense.."
Who is Olivia better to be with?
Max or Jack?
Comment down below who is your OTP.
& your reactions & don't forget to comment & vote❤️
I love you guys💓
Peace & Love💙

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