Chapter 22: Back In NYC

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{~song for chapter: New York-Ed Sheeran~}
Olivia's POV:
~the next day~
I wake up in bed..but not mines
I scream when I see Jack smirking at me
"Why am I here?" I ask not remembering getting here..
"You & Max broke up..last night..we made up & we're a couple now.."
"No no..this can't be...I know I broke up with Max..Jack I'm sorry I didn't mean to get your hopes up..I was hurt last night..please..I really been through a lot with you already..I gave you too many chances.." I say tearing up
"Liv..I'm a changed man..believe me..I won't hurt you like that again." He says lifting my chin up with his finger
He leans in
"It's okay for you to cry..I'm here." He says holding me tight
I feel butterflies as if I missed him..
I look at him
He caresses my cheek
"Liv..your so-"
"I'm sorry Jack..I gotta go." I say obviously trying to not let out my actual feelings for him..
I've been through so much..but yet I still love him..why?
I'm smart enough to see it wont work out..
Yet I still hold onto the feeling of us..
A single tear rolls down my cheek
I close the door
He opens it & follows me back to my hotel
"Please Liv..I wanna be with you!"
"No! No Jack we can't..even if we could..we both know it won't work out..just forget the fact we dated before..forget everything..I wanna restart seems my life is crumbling lately.." I let out a huge cry..
"It's been 6 months since my dad died..I wish he was here..he always knew how to deal with me crying..Jack..we should never see each other again..from today on..don't speak to me or see me..I don't care about you just use me all the damn time..I've been used too many times by you..I'm lucky I didn't give myself to you when I had the chance..because if I would be the biggest mistake in my entire life..goodbye Jack Gilinsky.." I say crying & I grab my packed suitcase & I get to the airport
I board my plane
I sit & shove headphones in my ear
I close my eyes & play "I hate you,I love you" in my ears
I tear up as I think of Jack
Even though I seem to hate
My lips tremble & I watch as the lady says
"Please buckle up..we're lifting up right now"
I look out the window after I buckled myself in
I watch as we lift off & I put my head in my hands
Why does it keep happening?
Why so much drama in my life lately?
~after a long flight~
I walk out of JFK airport & I see the city
It's 1am
I tear up with happy tears realizing I'm back..
I run to my mom who's standing waiting for me..
I texted her before I lifted off..
I hug her & Bella
Brooke surprises me with a stuffed toy & other gifts
She hugs me tight
"I missed you bestie" she says tearing up
"I missed you too!" I say wiping her tears
I get in her father's cab & I look out the window to see the buildings
Brooke wraps her arm around me & lays her head on my shoulder
I smile at her
"I'm back.." I say with happy tears forming in my eyes..
I'm truly back..
France isn't my home anymore..
New York is..
{~in New York..~}

French Girl {~a Jack Gilinsky fanfic~} Where stories live. Discover now