Chapter 21: Lies

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{~song for chapter: Say My Name-Destiny's Child~}
Olivia's POV:
~3 days later~
I wake up in our hotel room
I love the view
I see Max next to me his hair perfectly ruffled
I climb on him & I kiss his lips but he pushes me off of him
I frown & tickle him
He holds my hands away from him
Ever since last night he's been acting weird...
I get up & I take a shower
I walk out dressed in black dressy slacks & a white buttoned sleeved tee
I slip on my cute flats that match the buttoned shirt
I put on a jacket & I put lipstick on
It's a dark brown & it's perfect on me
Max is awake but eating in bed
I roll my eyes & I say
"Max I'm going out.."
"Yeah yeah have fun.." He says trying to shut me up
"'s our romantic getaway..can you be romantic at lease?" I say frowning
He puts his hands up
"Idk Liv I do a lot for happy I got this trip." He says rudely
I scoff & I stand up
"I'm not gonna speak to you Maxwell!" I yell
"Really?" He says smirking
"Yes." I blurt out
"You just did"
"Shut up!"
"You did it again"
I groan & I leave slamming the door
I'm beyond pissed at his actions..
"Sorry for my actions babe..I shouldn't had talked to you the way I did. It's our time get dressed for's dinner time 💖 Ily Liv.." I see pop up on my phone
I sigh & I text back
"Yes." A automatic answer
I text
Even though I'm still a bit hurt from earlier..
I did a lot of things earlier by myself
when it's suppose to be a "romantic getaway" for us
I get dressed & I do my hair nicely & reapply the dark brown lipstick since my dress is brown so it matches
I slip on my heels & I look at myself in the mirror one more time
My hair in perfect curls
My eyes have a smokey eye done to them
My dress hugs me in the right places & the heels are perfect
I slip on my jacket
I walk out with my purse & phone
I wait & text answer..
No answer again..
Is he phone dead?
Wtf is going on?
I order dessert after I ate dinner by myself
I wait tapping my foot
I'm angry at the fact I've been waiting for 5 hours..
"Ma'am we're closing you can take home the dessert" the waiter says
I look at all of the plates of cakes & ice cream
I nod & he helps me get my stuff in my rental car
I drive back to the hotel
Still no sign of max..
I don't care anymore..
He stood me up..
He's treating me awfully for no reason..
Unless he found about the kiss?!
No..he didn't right?
I called him too many times
I'm no longer dressed up nicely
I'm in sweats & a long sleeve shirt
I have my hair in a messy bun
I took off all of my makeup
I'm in my slippers
I watch romance movies & I scream at the tv
"DONT BELIEVE HIM..HE'll BREAK YOUR HEART!" I say crying in my hands
~the next morning~
I eventually fell asleep..
I wake up & I look over to see Max.
I see marks on him
Not regular marks..
I see a lipstick mark on his neck & a bite
I tear up
"" I say crying
"Whoa whoa what?" He says
"I can't believe I thought you were different!" I yell with tears rushing down my face
"Babe chill it was from you.."
"Bullshit. I didn't even kiss you. I haven't seen you in didn't even see me at just texted me..I was stood up by!" I say in his face
"Babe..I wouldn't ever cheat on you..your perfect & I love you.."
All of a sudden I see the door open & I see a half naked French girl walk in
She winks at Max
"Venez sur le bébé, je suis en attente"
(Come on baby,I'm waiting)
"YOU SLUT!" I yell running towards her & punching her in the face
Max holds me back
"Your so spoiled Liv..I gave you everything..almost too much..I have my heart & my soul to you..I stood by you..even when it was boring..your mom is so annoying & likes to bud in your personal life..your sister is noisy & needs to learn not to spread her pretty legs" he yells before giving me a smirk
How the hell..wait..
"Nate told me. I knew she was a hoe" he says laughing
I punch him in the nose
I look at him
His nose is bleeding
I punch him again in the face
"I'm leaving...goodbye's your damn earrings,your damn necklace,here's everything..just know you'll be missing all of this.." I say packing my stuff
"Please I'm good. Plus who are you gonna be with now since you always bounce around with guys.."
"You clearly forgot I'm a virgin..since you wanna know..Jack is back in New York..I might try to talk to him..not date..but talk..goodbye Maxwell I hope you catch a STD from this ugly toad" I say & grab my stuff & leave..
I drive to a hotel I seemed to remember
I knock on the door
Jack opens it
I slam my lips on his
He looks at me shocked
"Whoa..are you okay?"
"I'm fine..actually no..Jack it was always you..not Max.."
I say tearing up
He kisses me stopping me from continuing
We make out for a bit
"Are you sure?" He says
Even though it feels right I shake my head
"Not about you ask me properly" I say smirking
"Olivia Primrose Esteves..will you make me the happiest man alive & give me another chance at being your boyfriend..I will change my ways..I will never cheat on you..or hurt you.."
I nod smiling
He pecks my lips
"We're back.." He says & kisses my forehead
I look into his eyes & feel the butterflies I missed feeling..
Those chocolate eyes will always make me fall in love with him all over again..
{~say my name..say my name..when no one is around you..say baby I love you..if you ain't running game..say my name...say my acting kinda shady..ain't calling me baby..why the sudden change?~}

French Girl {~a Jack Gilinsky fanfic~} Where stories live. Discover now