Kenma~ Flushed Kisses

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Knowing Kenma for two years you knew he was not someone who shows affection, but he did love receiving it if it was from you. Yet he preferred limited affections due to his shyness but you could not resist his flushed face when you gave him kisses unexpectedly.

i. You are currently running down the hall to find Nekoma's setter Kenma. You round the corner and finally get a glimpse of him. Running towards your target you call for him. "Kenma. Ohayo!" Turning around quickly to see your form running at him, Kenma greets you quietly. "Ohayo (y/n). You really shouldn't be running in the halls though." You pout at his comment. "I was running after you to wish you a good day. I think that's reason enough don't you?" Kenma just shrugged your answer off but it doesn't bother you since you know that he cares for you either way. Sighing as the first bell rang you quickly give Kenma a kiss on the forehead and turn to face him. As you do this you see a blush cover his cheeks and can't help but grin. "I'll see you later Kenma!" You smile and wave as you head to class, leaving an embarrassed little cat behind you.

ii. It's finally lunch and you again are looking for your unsocial boyfriend. You spot him eating next to Kuroo and make your way towards him. You walk right behind him and give him a quick peck on the cheek before sitting down and saying hi to Kuroo. Of course Kuroo says hi back while noticing the setters blush and smirking. Kenma turns to you "You know I don't really think you should be doing those things here (y/n)." You turn to him mouth full of food "Well I think that you like my suprise kisses, even if you won't admit it Kenma-kun." Turning satisfied with yet another blush he tries to hide, you continue eating your food in triumph.

iii. As classes were finally over you head to the gym to watch the guys practice. You meet up with Kuroo and head over together making small talk. Once in the gym you part ways and look for the second year that you adore. You notice that he is changed and heading to go do stretches. "Oi Kenma over here" you called out to him. He slowly jogs up to you "Yes (y/n)?" You grab a water and towel out of your bag "Here these are for you." You smile at him and hand him the items but not without leaning over and kissing his nose. His cheeks instantly flushes and he looks down taking the items from you and turning the other direction. He quietly thanks you before jogging to the court where his teammates were snickering causing a even deeper red to flush his cheeks which makes you even happier.

iv. With practice over you and Kenma head home. You guys walk together silently enjoying each others presence. Slowly you get closer to him but not without him noticing. Before you could make your move Kenma turns to face you and plants a sweet small kiss on your lips. He pulls away and gives a small grin "I finally got you (y/n)." Looking into his eyes causes you to realize what happened and next thing you know you are the one blushing and looking down trying to avoid his gaze.

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