Terushima~ Bar Encounters

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~AU (your 21)
Ever since you turned 21 you have been visiting more bars frequently. You weren't an alcoholic or anything but why not drink when you are finally legal? Ever since high school you have been a big social butterfly and now that you have alcohol you can be an even bigger social butterfly.

You and your friends head to a bar that opened a few months ago that everybody has been talking about. You enter the bar and it is something that you have never seen before. It has a little dance floor with the coolest decorations. It was your style and the people that were in there did not look like creeps unlike some of the other bars.

You head to the counter to order some shots for your friends. When you get to the bar it isn't too packed and so you order your drinks while you are waiting you see a very handsome man eyeing you. He has dyed blonde hair on the top snd the back is his naturally dark brown hair. His hairstyle is very attractive on him. He has big brown eyes that scream mischief and fun. You can't help but be allured to him.

You give a small sexy smile and he heads your way. "Hello my name is Terushima," he says huskily as he grabs your hand and kisses it.

You smirk "(Y/n), pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure is all mine," he says captivated by your sexiness. He turns away from you to tell the bartender that he would pay for your drinks. Astonished at his offer you thank him.

"You know you didn't need to my friends and I are splitting the bill." He chuckles at your statement. "I can't let a beautiful woman pay for her drinks." You smile at his response "Don't you think you are being a little to formal for a bar." He chuckles again "Well whether it's a bar, fancy restaurant, or a cafe, I always try to be a gentlemen to beautiful women."

Clearly this guy is very smooth 'I wonder how many women he has seduced'.

After thinking this the bartender brings your drinks over. As you were getting up to leave Terushima grabs your arm "I was wondering, since I paid for your drinks will you at least have one shot with me or save me a dance, whichever you prefer," he asks honestly. You smile at him "yah sure I'll save you a dance just find me," you say tempting him. You then turn to leave and head back to your friends.

After a few rounds of drinks you head to the dance floor. The music they are playing make you want to sway your body all night. You are dancing with your friend having a good time when you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn and see a smirking Terushima. He pulls you close to him and speaks into your ear "May I have my dance now (y/n)," he questions already knowing the answer. You smile and nod your head.

You don't know whether it is the alcohol or Terushima, but you are dancing like you never have before. Your rhythm is in sync with the music as you sway your hips causing Terushima to look down hungrily at your body. He pulls you closer than you already are and to seem even sexier you turn around putting your plump butt against his front.

You continue to to sway your hips but now you add a circular motion in your movements so that your ass would bump into his front more. He follows your lead and grabs hear hips causing more bodily contact. You enjoyed dancing like this and so did he. Hot bodies moving together in rhythm.

After a few more songs and sexy body contact. You and Terushima head back to a table. He orders a couple waters for the both of you. "I have never been more attracted to a woman in my life," he confesses out of breath. You smirk at him and confidently state "You've never had a partner that moves as good as I do."

Shocked by your bold statement he becomes more intrigued. He then leans over the table and whispers in your ear "Then do you want to show me what a body like yours can do to me?"

You could not deny how attracted you were to this man. You then put your mouth to his ear, "I doubt you would be able to handle a woman like me." You then gently nibble his ear before getting back up and heading to the dance floor once again without turning around, leaving a dumbfounded Terushima behind.

He gets over his shock and smirks 'I didn't think a woman could be this fun' he thought. He then quickly gets up and follows you back onto the dance floor.

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