Ushijima~ Rely on Me

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(AU where you are an athletic trainer for the same college team Ushijima is on)

Being around athletes is what you loved. You loved creating bonds with them and helping them get stronger. Whether it was stretching them , taping their ankles or wrists, giving them massages to release tension in their muscles, or showing them new strength and core exercises, you loved it all.

All the team members and coaches loved you because you were so easy to work with and you actually cared for the players. You had a great bond with all of them except one. That one was no other than Ushijima Wakatoshi. It's not like you didn't try to get to know him, it was just that he was so unapproachable. The only time he really tried to talk to you was when the coach forced him to.

It really bothered you that he never trusted you. You tried to treat everybody as your family or as someone that you wanted to protect, yet Ushijima never let you do that.

Having enough of his coldness you decided to try extra hard to make him rely on you more.

Step one: Give ice and water during breaks.
"Ushijima! Here I brought you a pack of ice and a bottle of water. It is important you stay hydrated and cooled down." He looked down at you expressionlessly. "I do not need these, I have my own." With that said he walked away leaving you even more determined.

Step two: See if he needs his ankle or wrist wrapped
"Ushijima-chan. If your ankle or wrist need to be wrapped let me know. I don't want any injuries or discomfort in my players!" You smiled at him. He looked at you still with no emotion. "(Y/n), I have an ankle and a wrist brace for such cases." You looked at him in disbelief 'Wow who knew he would be so prepared'.

Step three: See if he needs a massage
After practice you ran up to Ushijima before he could hit the showers. As you approached him you tapped his shoulder lightly. He quickly turned around to see where the source of tapping came from. "Yes (y/n)-san?" He asked bluntly. "Hi Ushijima. I was wondering if you're feeling tightness in any muscles. If so I can loosen them up with a massage if you want." You asked happily. Instantly he replied "No I think I am fine." He turned once again heading to the showers.

Step four: Offer to make a strengthening regime he can follow
You patiently waited for Ushijima to get out of the showers. After 30 minutes he czme out surprised you were still there. As soon as you saw him you lit up and ran to him. "Hey Ushijima if you need a strengthening regime I could make one up for you. I just need to know your weight, height, and food you consume on a daily basis." He once again looked at you still no emotion in his eye "It is alright I follow the strengthening regime coach has given me. I do not need yours." That was it you finally felt like there was nothing that you could do to make him rely on you.

As Ushijima started to walk away you grabbed onto his sleeve. You could not look him in the eyes so you kept your head down. "Ushijima-san why do you not rely on me like the others," you asked dejectedly. "I try really hard to make the individuals on this team healthy and strong. I want to look out for them and that includes you but you won't let me. You won't rely on me. I understand if you don't wish for me to have a bond with you. But can you at least let me do my job and care for you!"

Not able to say a word Ushijima stared at you you looked into his eyes still not being able to read him. You gave up. You walked away not turning back to look at him.

~the next day~
"Alright water break for two minutes then head back on the court!" Coach told his players. You were happily waiting to hand out waters and oranges for the players so they could feel refreshed. You turned to get the first packs ready for the players. When you turned around the first player you saw was Ushijima. You smiled at him and handed him the beverage and fruit. "It seems I left my water at home," he stated halfheartedly. You smile at him as he turns away.

'He finally is relying on me' you thought as you passed out water and oranges to the rest of the team.

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