Chapter 8: Love and truth

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I decided to change from third person to first, since I found it easier to explain the emotions that each character feels. Most of the rest chapters will be from Gajeel's POV, but there are some of Levy's also. BE CAREFUL! This chapter contains sexual content, not too explicit but it still does.

Levy woke up by the sound of light snoring, generating from the man next to her. She tried to lift her arms to stretch, but his arms were around her and she couldn't even move. Levy then tried to slip out of his embrace, not that she wanted to but the need to use the bathroom was bigger. She raised her head and touched his lips with hers for a quick moment, before she lifted his large forearm and got out of bed.

The t-shirt that she was wearing was lifted up during the night revealing her panties. She blushed and fixed it and then walked to the bathroom. A while later she exited, Gajeel still asleep, and headed to the kitchen and started the coffee machine. She just stood there, gazing outside the window, drinking her coffee, when two large arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

Gajeel grunted, his eyes closed, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning." She said and turned her head a little bit to the side to look at him.

"Ghnn, come back to bed." He pouted. "I got lonely the moment you got off."

"I have work." She laughed at his childish behavior.

"Ditch work and come back to bed!" He started trailing kisses all over her neck, trying hard to make her change her mind.

She moaned at the pleasurable feeling, but couldn't give in. She placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him to her lips, kissing them softly. "Unlike you, I cannot close the school whenever I feel like to. Now let me go. I have to go home first to get ready." She playfully slapped away his hands, which had begun to caress her waist and walked to the bedroom to pick up her clothes.

"You can keep my shirt." He said ironically as he watched her ready to leave his apartment, still wearing his clothes.

"Not that I asked for permission. I've grown kind of fond of it. Besides, I'll be going home first to change."

"See ya at noon?" He reached his hand for her to catch.

Her only response was a smile and a kiss on the cheek after she caught his hand and he pulled her close.

The moment Levy returned home, her grandmother was waiting for her on the door.

"Granny...hey." She said awkwardly.

"I see you spent the night at someone's. And that someone must be a man if I judge by that shirt, which I assume is his." She seemed rather excited.

"You're right at all those but it's not what you think. We only slept, nothing more." Levy started talking as she got into her room and started getting ready.

"Levy, you can tell me. You don't have to be embarrassed." She followed her.

"I'm not. Because nothing happened. You have to believe me."

Levy, in order to get rid of her granny's curiosity, hastily dressed and headed to work.

She was really happy that she had spent the night at Gajeel's. They got to know each other a little better. She wanted desperately to finish work so that she could see him again. Wait! She wanted to see him again and again and spend time with him? Isn't Did she love him? She definitely liked him, a lot.

Lunch break came soon and all the teachers gathered in their office t eat. Levy, after being in haste, she forgot to make or buy anything.

"Levy-chan, do you want to share?" Lucy offered some of her lunch.

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