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*Aphmau's POV*
I woke up to see Katelyn and Travis laying next to each other. Travis had his arm around Katelyn and she had her head on his chest. I don't know what happened last night and if we were attacked, but I'll ask Travis when he wakes up. Garroth wasn't around. "Garroth." I called out. He jumped from a tree. "What were you doing up there?" I asked. "Trying to see Scaleswind. It's over that way." He pointed north. "Okay. Now we have to wait for them to wake up." I pointed at Travis and Katelyn. "They are so cute together." Garroth said. I laughed in agreement.

Travis' eyes opened and he stretched. Me and Garroth snickered a little bit at what we said. "What's so funny?" Travis asked. "Oh nothing." I said, attempting to hold in all of the laughter inside me. He went wake up Katelyn but, it seems she has been awake for a while now. "How long were you awake?" I asked nervously. She gave a death glare to Garroth. "When I heard Garroth make his little comment about me and Travis, it made me wake up." "What comment?" Travis asked. She whispered it into his ear.

Travis stared at Garroth. "You have ten seconds to run." He said. Garroth ran until he hit a tree, knocking him to the ground. Katelyn and Travis appeared above him, ready to attack him. He cowered in fear. We all burst out in laughter. He stood up. "Your nice." Garroth said, staring at her. Katelyn laughed. "I take pride in it." "Okay guys calm down. Let's get to Scaleswind so we can actually sleep comfortably." I said. They all nodded in agreement and we headed for Scaleswind.

We reached the gates of Scaleswind. We were greeted by a kind lady. "Hello, how can I help you?" She asked. "We need a place to stay." She pointed to an Inn. "You can stay there. "Thank you." We said and walked off.

*Aaron's POV*
I sat in a chair in my room. I stared out the window. While looking, I saw a group of people at the gates. They looked familiar, but I was probably just seeing things. I decided to head to the Tavern because I was getting kinda hungry. I walked out and made my way into the big town.

A lady sat next to me, but I didn't look at her. I was too lost in thought. "Hmm." I said. She heard me. "Hey sir are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah just going through a hard time. I made a horrible mistake and probably hurt someone I care about." I said staring into nothing. "Oh. My friend disappeared a while back. I'm trying to find him. I love him... a lot and I need to find him." The lady said. I looked over a little bit to see who I was talking to, and saw her. The girl I saw in front of me shocked me. I called her name and she looked up at me.

*Aphmau's POV*
I decided to head to the Tavern and get something to eat. Everyone else said they would meet me there. I walked in and sat down next to a man. He sounded worried so I asked if he was okay. He said something about hurting someone he cared about. I told him I was trying to find the person I loved... Aaron. I suddenly heard my name from next to me. I looked over at the man and saw what he looked like. I looked in shock at who was in front of me. "Aaron..."

Song: Faded

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