On Our Way Home

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*Aphmau's POV*
After an eventful day yesterday, we decided it was time to go home. I grabbed all of the stuff I had brought and what I didn't leave at the at the inn. I felt kinda nauseous, but that must have been because of the pregnancy. Aaron offered to carry my stuff ,but I declined and told him I could carry it myself. "Are you sure? I can do it." Aaron asked concerned. "I'm very capable of doing things myself. Don't worry." I smiled. He shrugged his shoulders and walked off to make sure everyone was ready.

Once everyone was ready we exited the castle. The icy wind was harsh against my bare skin and I didn't have a coat to cover myself. I shivered and Aaron must've noticed because he came over and gave me his sweatshirt. He didn't have a shirt on, but gave it to me anyway. "Aaron you need this more than I do. Please take it back." He looked at me, his eyes locked on mine. "I don't need it. Now come on we are falling behind." He turned and continued walking. I caught up to him and the others. I could see Aaron's skin turning purple and black from the cold. I quickly took off his sweatshirt and gave it back to him. He tried to push it off, but I wouldn't let him and held it on his back. He finally gave in and put it back on. I was cold, but I felt better that he was okay. After a while, the cold finally started getting to me and it made me weak. I couldn't walk as fast and was falling behind. Aaron noticed and picked me up bridal style. "What are you doing?" I asked, blushing. "Carrying you. You're falling behind and I don't think you can walk from what I saw behind me." He smirked. I smacked his arm and he laughed. The warmth of his skin felt nice and it made every inch of cold from my body dissappear. I snuggled into his chest, closing my eyes.

I woke up in a small, but comfortable looking room. I looked around at my surroundings. Aaron was in a chair on the other side of the room. In front of him was a desk and it looked like he was writing something. Something inside of me made me wanna sneak up on him, so I did. I slowly go out of the bed and tiptoed behind him. "Aph I know you're behind me." He said, grinning. "You ruin all the fun." I teased. He turned around in the chair. He picked me up and held me close to him. "Aaron put me down!" Aaron laughed and pulled me into a kiss. I felt like I was dreaming everything at that moment. I was here with Aaron, and it felt so unreal. He pulled away. "See you're happy now." I gave him a warm smile. Aaron stood up, still holding me. He faced me towards the bed. "Aaron what are you-" And before I could finish my sentence, he threw me on the bed. I landed on my flat on my back. He sat down on the chair and laughed. "You gave me a heart attack! I thought I was gonna die!" He finally calmed himself down enough to speak. "Oh you would've been fine. It wasn't that far of a throw anyway." I glared at him. "You are SO lucky that I didn't land on my stomach and you are also very lucky that I'm not gonna punch you in the face." He stopped laughing and stared in realization. "I kinda forgot about that part." He rubbed the back of his neck. I laughed at him. After that there was a weird silence. "Where are we?" I asked breaking the silence finally. "Scaleswind. We went to the Inn we apparently were all staying at." "That makes more sense." I looked at my stuff, sitting in the corner of the room. Aaron's bandana sitting on top of all of it. "We are heading out in a little bit, by the way. We just wanted to wait for you to wake up." Aaron said. I nodded and got up. I spun the chair around and grabbed both his arms. "Aph?" "Come on it time to go home! We can finally see Lilith again!" Aaron looked so happy at what I said. "Okay, let's get going!"

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