Chapter 27

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Mark's POV

We go down to get lunch in the restaurant. Laura presses the 'Ground Floor' button and the elevator door closes. After 30 seconds, we get out and head for the restaurant.

"Mark! Jack! Laura! Look over here!" I hear a voice and suddenly cameras are flashing at us. I grab Laura and Jack and we walk quickly to the door of the restaurant. They won't be allowed to come in here.

They flash their cameras through the window and we all turn away from them, not wanting the attention. "Fucks sake, we can't even get lunch without something happening" Jack mumbles and Laura sighs.

"This has never happened before, what's happened this year? I ask and Laura looks up at me and shrugs. "You've gotten very popular this year, I suppose. I'm also your child now too, they'll want to see us all together" Jack nods and I cross my arms.

"This is ridiculous. I can't even have lunch with my family without people following us" I stand up and bang on the window "Do you mind?!" They all flash one more time and slowly walk away. I sit back down and apologise to the restaurant workers.

"That's better" Jack laughs and Laura smiles. "Your manliness was took much for them" Laura jokes and I flex. Jack looks at me up and down and I smirk. He blushes and looks down at his menu.
"So, what do you want to eat?" I ask, and the waiter comes over to take our orders.

*time skip*

After a lovely lunch I pay for the food and we quickly go back to the elevator before anyone sees us. We arrive at our room and Laura walks in to our room too.

"So, in thirty minutes Laura we have to go for a meeting about our panels tomorrow" Jack says, and she nods. "I might see if Joe's around then, and I'll walk around with him". I nod slowly and smile. "If anything happens, call us straight away okay? If paparazzi follows you just walk quickly away" She nods and smiles. "I will, thanks"

She gets out her phone to text Joe. "He says he can walk around for a while" she says after a few minutes. "Okay, you go meet him and be back in an hour and a half okay?" She hugs us both. "I will"

She closes the door and I grab some papers. "You ready?" Jack nods and kisses me. "I guess"

We close the door and walk out of the hotel and cameras immediately flood us, again. "Picture! Picture! Smile for the picture!" (If you get that reference you get free cookies!)

Jack grabs my hand and I push us through the crowd of cameras and fans. Hopefully Laura missed all this. We pick up speed and run into the building where the panel will be held tomorrow. "We love you Mark and Jack!" Someone shouts and Jack looks back and smiles. "Come on Jack! We will see them tomorrow hopefully" I close the door.

"I don't like not talking to fans" Jack says sadly and I sigh. "Don't worry, they'll find us again" I kiss his forehead and he hugs me. "Yay, meetings" he says sarcastically. I laugh. "Come on babe"

Laura's POV

I walk out of the hotel and I am immediately in a crowd of cameras and fans. I smile at a few fans and wave. But I don't stay long. I let the camera take a few photos and I walk quickly away. I reach the cafe where Joe said he will meet me.

I sit down at a table and wait for Joe. I'm a few minutes early anyway. I order a coffee and I pull out my phone from my pocket.

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