Well...Here I go!

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This story was created simply to tell you wonderful people a bit more about me, hopefully once I'm finished this book I won't feel so out of place. Feel free to comment any questions you have as I would absolutely love to answer them! First off, I am a proud member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, most commonly known as a Mormon. This doesn't mean I think myself to be perfect, I know I am FAR from it, so please do not judge me just based on this fact. I am still a normal human being who is typically misunderstood in reality...but I make sure my voice is heard nonetheless. I love to read fictional books however I am currently reading Fire of the Covenant by Gerald N. Lund when I'm offline, which is a historical fiction story about the Mormon pioneers traveling to Utah and shows a great example of the Mormon faith and how we are normal people going through average trials, with what we believe to be a stronger understanding of right and wrong thanks to the Holy Ghost which is a separate member of the Godhead. Anyway, lets get away from the spiritual stuff for ...I don't have too many friends in real life but the ones I do have are simply wonderful and I cherish every moment I get with them. Well, that's all I have to say right now...Thanks to all of you wonderful people who are always here for me when I need and escape from my life.

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