Miracle People

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This saying is perfect

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This saying is perfect. To me, it tells me that just because you are "popular" and have many friends, doesn't make you amazing. It doesn't make you less damage prone or the king/queen of miracles. Too many friends makes most seem like nothing. Having even just one friend however, who will and has stood by you through every trial you've faced, through every fight and bought of tears...someone who doesn't care if your mean sometimes because they understand your feelings...that's worth so much more. In the future, you won't remember the names of most of your "million friends" who are kind to you but probably only like you for your looks, money or something similar. You will never forget however, that one friend who stuck with you through thick and thin. Who NEVER left your side and was your easiest shoulder to cry on. They will be part of your "Always" because they will never abandon you, nor hopefully you them. They are your miracle.

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