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I love this image simply because it is so true

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I love this image simply because it is so true. You can choose to run away from the past or even the future, to move off and change your life and personality...change you. Or you can stand up, square your shoulders, and say proudly "I don't care" because you are strong enough to deal with it and climb over it all. I admit...I and tried to Forget Everything And Run more then the latter option...I have tried self harm. I have tried to change myself. I have doubted my ability to be myself and still be good enough for people, to rise above the challenges I have been given, to give those idiots a slap across the face and say without a doubt "I have no reason to believe what you say, to me I am beautiful. To me, I am as perfect as I'll ever be." and walk away. No, I have been weak. I have chosen to beat myself down rather then pick myself up. But that person is no more, now I am proud to say that I haven't cut in months and hopefully wont ever again. I have began my journey to rise, and I don't want to go back.

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