Tagged Again

18 2 5

So, this time I was tagged by AFairyTaleEnding Rules: You must post 5 facts about yourself, it cannot be posted in the comments or replies, it must be completed within this week or there will be a severe punishment and please remember to mention these rules. Tag your friends once completed!
1. I love to sleep...but it takes me at least half an hour to fall asleep and only a few minutes to fully wake up
2. I am going into grade 9 this year
3. I have a stuffed elephant in my bed which was given to me by my papa (my mom's dad) when I was born and I have been attached to it since I first got it...I don't sleep with it anymore, it's mainly there for comfort.
4. I love to draw but have zero confidence in what I draw
5. I have two middle names

I'm tagging:

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