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"Sit down, and calm down." Spencer giggled sitting me down in the plastic covered airplane chair. "O-Okay, I'm just a little skittish.." I murmur grasping onto Spencer's hand. "Baby, it's just an air plane, you rode on one to Iceland you'll be fine." She laughs rubbing circles onto my hand. "I know I just always get nervous about this.." I whisper softly closing my eyes. "Well I'm right here, and remember about our plan." Spencer whispered into my ear huskily sending chills down my spine. "Where are Hanna, Ali and Em?" I ask trying to take my mind off things. "Mm, probably back in coach, but luckily my job gives me two first class tickets with my baby." She smiled. "Thank you." I nod grabbing her hand again. "For what?" She asked taking the drink from the flight attendant. "For this, for you, for everything." I smile nuzzling myself into her side. "You're welcome, you mean so much to me Pookie Bear." She smiled wrapping her arm around me. "Fucking lezzys." I hear someone from behind call. "Wh-" "Ha ha dyke!" Another boy called. "Just ignore them Aria, it'll be alright." Spencer reassured me rubbing my arm. "Why are people so mean?" I ask quietly. "I don't know, it's best to ignore them, dear." She sighed softly. "This is your pilot speaking, please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for takeoff." The loud speaker boomed. "I'm tired.." I yawn softly. "Go to sleep, I'll wake you when the foods here, or when I'm ready for dessert." She whispered pecking my cheek. "Good nap." I giggled nestling my face into her chest. "Good nap, Pookie Bear." She laughed.


"Wake up, it's time to get off the plane." I hear a familiar brunette whisper. "Wait it's time to leave?" I ask quietly. "Mhm, come on the hotel bed is begging for me." She pouts grabbing my hand. "O-Okay okay." I giggle grabbing my carry on. Getting off of a plane is always difficult people pushing into you and you getting split from your group, but Spencer protected me and it was pretty helpful. "Oh! There you guys are, I've been starving! Can we get chipotle?" Hanna asked. "Mm, okay." I grin, not letting go of Spencer. "Afraid you'll lose her, Aria?" Alison questioned raising her eyebrow. "Oh, I-uh, was afraid I'd get split from her and I forgot to let go." I laugh nervously. "I don't mind." Spencer giggled. "Okay, enough, I'm hungry and tired." Hanna growled continuing on through the airport. "You guys go ahead and get food, Aria and I are going to check into the hotel just bring us something to the hotel." Spencer grinned grabbing ahold of my hand. "Byeee." I smiled waving to Alison.


"Hotel beds are so nice!" I giggled jumping onto cool bed. "Mm, these sheets are freezing, just the way I like it!" I smile, my eyes meeting Spencer's. "You're truly so precious." She thoughtfully smiled. "Thank you, now come here, cuddle me." I smiled getting under the covers. "Of course, I love cuddling." She smiled getting into the bed with me. "When we first started living together, the first day I believe, you told me 'oh I'm not too big on cuddling.'" I smiled. "Well you've made me change a lot...for the better." She whispered petting my hair. "I could fall asleep in your arms anywhere.." I murmur softly. "Aria." She whispered. "Y-Yes?" I ask, shifting to listen. "I was thinking and, do you want to see Ezra in jail?" She asked, twirling a loose strand of my hair. "Wh-What no? What makes you think that I want to see him?" I ask quite confused. "You never told him you've broken up with him and moved on, you've never really spoken to him." She nodded, frowning softly. "Oh my gosh, you're so right.." I frowned, realizing what I had done. "That's one of the reasons I wanted you to come, my mother told me he had been transferred to a prison facility in Burbank." She whispered. "I think, I-no, we should go." I nod smiling softly. "But no matter what happens we go in there together and we leave together, you're my bear keeper, you're my girlfriend, you're my lover." I giggle kissing her on the lips. "Mm, I like the name lover.." She giggled trailing kisses down my neck. "Mm...Spencer..." I groan as she sucked and nicked at my neck. "You're g-g-great." I whisper squirming under her touch. "You're my little pet." She whispered trailing my collarbone with kisses. "Hotel sex?" She asked. "Mm, yeah." I whisper. Suddenly a loud bang came from the door "open up sluts!" Hanna called from the door. "I'll save you for later." Spencer whispered going to open the door. "Damnit!" I grumble rustling out of bed. "Hey, here's your food." Hanna smiled dropping it on the table next to the door. "Now Alison, Em, and I have some 'business' to take care of." Hanna winked walking out of the door. "Yikes, I hope their next door neighbors are prone to sound." I giggled softly. "Their neighbors are us." Spencer sighed. "Well, we've gotten used to it baby." I smiled sitting in her lap. "I love chipotle!" I squeal focusing on the food in front of us. "I hope you don't mind I just don't want to stay away from you." I whisper taking a bite out of the vegan burrito. "You're fine Pookie Bear, I'm used to it." She giggled. "Better be." I taunt. I feel two arms slowly snake around me and grab me tight. "I love you, Aria." She whispered laying herself on to my back. "I love you too, Spencer." I smile "I have to be honest with you Aria." She frowns softly. "Wh-What is it?" I ask with worry. "I-I've been taking the speed pills again, please help me.." She whispered, tears brimming her eyes. "Y-You're taking th-those pills again?" I ask, worry evident in my tone. "They're in my bag, please get rid of them." She begged softly. "Spencer come here." I demand walking towards the bed. "Get ready for bed now, no buts about it, you're going to bed." I snapped opening her suitcase. "I-I'm so-sorry Aria.." She whispered softly. "I'm not mad, don't apologize, I'm just afraid.." I murmur finding the bottle of pills. "Is this the only bottle you have?" I ask holding the bottle in my hand. "Ye-Yes." She gulped. I quickly opened our balcony window and threw the bottle as far as I could. "They're gone, they can't hurt you, please come sleep with me." I beg slowly getting into the bed. "Th-Thank you Aria.." She whispered. "You're welcome, just know I love you so so much." I murmur holding her in my embrace. "I love you too, go..goodnight." She murmured before allowing herself to crash. I slowly gave her a peck on the forehead and allowed her to get her rest that she needed so badly.

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