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Credit: Black Butler: A Burning Invitation CMV - Song: Every Breath You Take - Artist: Chase Holfelder - Cover: Minor Key Version.
Ciel Phantomhive by Marty. Sebastian Michaelis by Ash.
Ashleigh Adams & Beth Clay.

The Host Club meets Sebastian.

Silver and Sebastian were up before anyone else preparing breakfast for everyone. Silver knew Haruhi wasn't picky but he decided to make everything from freshly ground toast to, Belgium waffles with a side of bacon, sausages, pancakes, eggs and hash browns. He looked down with a triumphant smirk. He's sure this will get her mouth-watering, as well as the rest of the staff. It's not every day that they have this for breakfast, this is a special occasion. Today is the first day that Haruhi will have breakfast with them. Silver and Ciel know about the others and how they treated her. They both want to make the time that they spend here, memorable for her. It's not every day that she gets shown this kind of courtesy. Which should be shown everyday in every form.

Silver looked up towards the clock and saw it exactly 6:30 on the dot. The servants should be getting up right now and come up for breakfast before they start their daily chores. They have about a half hour to eat, then twenty minutes to get ready before they come up and see Sebastian or Rose to get their daily chores.

"Father," Bambi asked. Her long silver hair coming down in loose curls, her contract seal displayed. She put down the knife she was currently using. When Sebastian turned towards his beloved girl, she was transformed into her regular attire, but it will still never cease to amaze Sebastian, how beautiful his daughter is.

Bambi's eyes were cast down looking towards the marble flooring. "Yes, darling?" Sebastian came closer to his daughter lifting her chin up. He could tell she was emotional and had something on her mind from the way that she looked. It looked like she hasn't slept in days, maybe months. He was worried for her.

Her eyes focused on his as she spoke, "I'm hungry." Her eyes darkened. Sebastian knew this would happen, he's been denied a good meal for a century now. The last time he had a meal was when he defeated Claude, Hannah and the triplets with the 'help' of, Grell. (a/n I just want to make it clear, that yes they have had meals since but just little ones or not a big soul or delicious soul. Like a tiny block of cheese for us. Ciel's soul was full of hatred and pain, that's why Sebastian and Rose stayed with him so long, it smelt delicious to them both. Anyways continue.) He looked down at his daughter with nothing but defeat in his eyes, he couldn't feed her. He needs to stay by the Earl's side forever; Ciel had made the contract stronger unbreakable by uttering those unforgettable words 'You will never leave my side', and he hasn't since.

"...I'm sorry, I can't feed you." Now it was his time to feel glum. He can't feed her, his only daughter and he can't feed her. Sebastian feels like his whole world is crumbling beneath him. When a demon says he/she's hungry, driven mad to that point, that means they need to go out and find a human soul to consume within 72 hours before they start showing their true side. Animalistic, truly demonic. Rose never wanted for Ciel to see that side of her and she refuses to let that happen. Which is exactly why she's going to go on the hunt, for her father, for her master and for herself. Normally, Sebastian goes on the hunt late at night, when his master is retired and sleeping soundly, but now he's not able and that responsibility has fallen to Rose.

"I wasn't expecting you too, I was hoping you would tell the Young Earl for me." Sebastian was a little worried about his daughter. She was the only one he had now. Her mother wasn't there anymore, her brothers weren't, it was only them now. He still remembers the day when his sons were born, that was the most memorable day of his life, until his daughter was born. He remembers them being so frail, so delicate, of course, his sons were mommy's boys, then when his wife got pregnant again and they found out it was a girl, he swore he would protect her and that's exactly what he had done. She was his little girl, she was and will always remain a daddy's girl. (a/n if you want to hear more of a dd/lg type of story, check out My Little Lolita on my page, it's going under revisions rn. It's not very good, just warning you.)

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