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Instagram: thegstwins


As soon as twilight came, he was gone from the mansion. Leaving the window blowing in the breeze only to be shut a second later. It's like he never left at all. You couldn't see him. Veering right, veering left; Silver let out a demonic, bone-chilling laugh, that echoed throughout the night.

All the constables working that night stopped in fright, dread settled in their stomachs, hearing a deep bone-chilling laugh go through the wind. It was eerily quiet, with no soul around, or at least they prayed that no one was around. They prayed to god, whatever made that noise, it was only in their imaginations.

Silver had missed jumping through the trees, bouncing off the sidewalks, becoming what he truly was, a demon. It was exhilarating to him. He thinks he should go see his grandfather after this case is settled. He's been dying to see the souls of the damned come through the gates of hell, as the horror strike their faces when they realize where they are.

Made him laugh.

The blue-eyed demon hearing that laugh, he sighed, a small smile on his face, a light chuckle coming out. He's going to have a meal by morning. He paused with his handwriting, staring up at his closed mahogany door. Why don't you bring your snake friends along, I would like Mr. Ootori to stay put.

Yesss, my lord. Came out barely above a whisper. Realizing that he's using parseltongue sent shivers down his spine. Rolling his eyes, the Oxford eyed demon opened his eyes, continuing with his work.

Sebastian, standing outside Haruhi's door, making sure that nothing will disturb her slumber. He shifted in distress for his only daughter but needed to stay on duty. He could hear her moving in her sleep but didn't bat an eyelash. The rest of the staff getting things done in a timely matter, all going unnoticed by, Haruhi.

Sebastian closed his eyes taking a listen to all the noises around him. He could hear, Mey-Rin cleaning a room on the main level. He could hear, Baldroy, and Finny, walking around on the highest level. Baldroy was on the North side while Finny, was on the South, keeping watch. He opened his maroon eyes, glad that the staff has learned over the past centuries.

With Joker, Doll, Snake and Dagger gone, they needed to divide their jobs into three people. Sebastian sighed, it was just like before.

Silver was moving so fast, he was lighter than air. He let out a sigh of delight, his wings were starting to ache, becoming painful to keep in his back. Not to mention, his fangs wanted to be released. He had a constant headache; as humans would call it, all because, his horns wanted to be released. It was causing him, hellfire.

As soon as he saw the puny estate, he smiled in delight. You messed with the wrong beings, Ootori.

He hovered above the house like a hawk looking for possible entry yet, high enough so the guards can't see him. He knows he can easily get in yet he wants to play a little game with the guards.

He looked all around; at least two dozen guards keeping watch for any threat. He thought, Mr. Yoshio Ootori, would have hired more. Silver felt disappointment serge through him, he can take them down in less than a second. A trained assassin can take them down in under 20 minutes. Hell, even a toddler can take them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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