Nice to meet you

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Asiah Pov:
I was rushing in the mall to get to Tylas store since it's really busy she wanted me at her store ASAP! Man I can never enjoy a day without helping Tyla. Anyways since I was waking really fast I accidentally bumped into a little girl causing her to fall. I stopped and pick her up I said I'm so sorry baby girl she said its okay with her cute baby voice. The guy w/ her said its alright don't worry I looked at him and said sorry once again he said what's your name I said Asiah and I need to go I'm running late he said I'm Lucas and when will I ever see you again? I said in "Wolf's Co" it's my sister's clothing shop he smiled and said have a good day I said you too and nice to meet you, he said nice to meet you too. After that I left.. I was praying Tyla doesn't yell at me ughhhh!!!

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