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Asiah is... Dead I'm sorry we did everything we could d-- I cut him off and said connect her to the machine! The doctor said sorry we can't Shy came and said you heard my brother connect her to the machine!! The doctor left and said I'll do anything that's possible. Ariana came to me and started punching me and yelled THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT LUCAS!! Lonzo started to hug her while she started crying bad. I can't even lie I was crying and blaming myself.
*hours pasted*
I gave the doctor my number for if anything happens to Asiah or if there gonna do something they can let me know. When I did that we all went to my house..
Doctor Pov:
Since Asiah's fiancé wanted us to connect her to the Machine all they could do is pray for a miracle to happen because Asish is dead.. She's not breathing. Anyways I put the oxygen tubes in her nose.
Tyla Pov:
After what happened yesterday I felt very bad Ughh I should've never cussed at her or nothing anyways I got a unknown text saying "R.I.P Asiah London" right away I called Asiah and my call kept on going to voice mail so I called Ariana.. And she picked up it sounded if she was crying for days I got anxious and asked her for Asiah and that's when she started sobbing..
Ariana: *sniffs* Asiah.. Asiah is gone.. My best friend is dead..
Me: *panicking* your lying to me stop Ariana tell me the truth where's Asiah ??!
Ariana: I'm telling you the truth Asiah died in a revenge car crash..
I hung up the phone and fell in the floor crying.. I yelled why my little sister??? Why god why???
Yes I know this is a short chapter😪 excuse my mistakes and R.I.P Asiah👼🏽❤️

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