We're done!

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Asiah Pov:
I said to Lucas oh fucc buddy's huh? Before Lucas could answer I said why Lucas? Why cheat on me? What don't I have have what she has huh? What is it? Lucas said "she makes me feel young again" shy got angry and punched Lucas, Lucas fell to the ground the girl picked him up and was holding his back before we got up to punch shy bacc. I yelled oh yeah she makes you feel young again? I said You have no fucken idea how bad your hurting me right now... Is she a wifey material though? I said instead of cheating with a hoe you should've cheated on me with a person who's much better then me! Like a doctor or something or someone who's something in life not a hoe.. Did you know I'm a definition of wifey material? I cook for you, I look after you, I care for you, I love you and plus I take care and love Caden like my own child. I paused for a second and said but you cheated for sex? Is sex important or is the girls heart more important? He didn't say nun. I said well have fun with your fucc buddy and your mf house and everything. Then I said ohh "We Are Done" I said it very slow and clear for he can get it through his thick ass head. Before he said anything again I said just keep this in mind I'm leaving and I'm leaving with Caden. I left out of the house and shy came behind me, we got in the car and I speed off.. I busted out crying while I pulled aside of the freeway.. Shy said I'm sorry Asiah that this had to happen to you, I'm sorry for what he said. I said shy what did I ever do to him for he can do this to me? Shy said I don't know A but are you really leaving? I said yes shy I am. Shy said I know where we should go and Kb and Deven can come along I said where I said we can go to New Jersey.. You can meet our mom and We'll all be far and safe. I nodded shy said alright then said he said want me to drive I said yeah please and we switched seats after he took off and I felled in a deep sleep..
Ariana Pov:
Omg so I called Asiah 19 million times but she didn't answered. I wanted to tell her about me missing my period but she never answered since I was nervous about it and Lonzo was out at the trap I went to the pharmacy to get 5 pregnancy tests. I did not get the cheap ones I got the ones that were like 7 dollars. I got home and I peed on 3 different pregnancy test I waited for 15 minutes and after 15 minutes pasted they all said noo I felt relieved😅😅 but I still want a baby oh well..
I was gonna make this chapter long but I couldn't make it emotional😭😭 in really bad at that type of stuff anyways excuse any mistakes.

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