Did they die though?

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Once Asiah left I went in my house grabbed my Lexus keys and got out the house with Lonzo, locked the house up, put the duffle bag in the trunk and speed off with my nigga to meet up Rett.
Asiah Pov:
I stopped at a gas station for Ariana, Caden and I could grab snacks since we didn't get to eat nothing and the car ride is gonna be 2 hours long. Anyways we grabbed snacks and drinks then I paid them and we went bacc in the car before I pulled off home I texted Tyla telling her I'm omw home but I didn't tell her nothing about what happened.. After I pulled off home and Ariana crazy ass started to play "no flocking" with high volume and snapchating like are you Fr?
*15 minutes later*
I was driving on the freeway and Ariana kept on staring on her mirror of her side she was on. I ask her what is she looking at and she said have you noticed that black Couple Adui following us in every direction we have been goin in the freeway about 5 minutes? I looked at her and said BITCH PULL THE SAFTEY OFF THE MF GUN, ITS RETT NIQQAS FOLLOWING US!!! Ariana said oh shit I didn't know I said bitch you do know now and call Lonzo! Ariana called Lonzo and put the phone on speaker..
Phone convo:
Ariana: LONZO!!
Lonzo: wassup, y'all good?
Me: put the phone on speaker Lonzo
Lucas: what happen A?
Lucas: calm down, tell Caden to in buckle herself and to get herself on the floor now! they might end up shooting
Me: alright
Lonzo: there's 2 more pistols in your cars cubby and bullets
Lucas: just shoot and Asiah don't go home keep driving around until we call back got that?
Me: alright stay safe
*hungs up*
I told Caden to unbuckle herself and to go to the floor and to put the blanket over her, caden did what I asked to do. Once she did that The Adui got Next to us Ariana pulled the safety off the gun and I switched lanes. Ariana put her window down and started to shoot the Audi's tires all you could hear is Ariana shouting to the Audi "here you go bitch" and the gun shots then the Audi Windows went down and a guy in black from the bacc seat started to shoot our car but kept in missing. Ariana and I switched seats real fast for I can shoot them up while she drives when I got in the passenger seat and grabbed the gun and started to shot the car up then the car got out of control and flipped over off the freeway... Ariana said Did they die though ??
Sorry for any mistakes!

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