New jersey p.2

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Kb Pov:
*5 hours later*
Our plane finally landed and man we're all tired Assel now were in the über on our way to moms house❤️.
*15 minutes later*
Alana (Lucas mom) Pov:
I was chilling while drinking my Hennessy looking through the window into I saw the security letting a random ass car in my property. Anyways I refilled my glass and my door opens and I heard Caden yelling GWAMMA!! I got up from my glass staircase and hugged her. Then Caden stops hugging me and said look Gwamma this is my mommy Asiah *pointing to a girl* I looked at the her and said ouuu your so pretty my baby and hug her I said so where's Lucas and De'Lano? Shy said hey 'ma and De'Lano and Lucas don't know we're here.. I yelled Elisssa can you take Caden and her bags up!! She came and asked what I told her to do. I said alright all y'all sit down and tell me why doesn't Lucas and De'Lano do not know y'all here??
Shy Pov:
I said momma its 12 PM well it's 9 AM in Cali and we're tired from the plane ride. Momma said fine take y'all bags and go to your rooms and sleep but when y'all are still going to tell me whats going on since y'all escaped we said yes momma and went upstairs.
Alana Pov:
I took Asiah upstairs to her room and helped her with her bags after I took her to her room she fell asleep. Asiah seems like a honest and lovely type of girl.
Everyone was downstairs besides Asiah, Asiah was knocked out and I wonder what she did because God damn she sleeps too much.
Asiah Pov:
I woke up and I was sweaty and I smelled bad😷. So I went through my suitcase and grabbed panties, a bra, and a maxi dress and took a shower in the bathroom that is inside my room I'm in.
*30 minutes later*
I was drying up my hair with a blow drier that was in the bathroom anyways after I did that I put on my sandals and went downstairs. When I got downstairs everyones eyes were on me I felt uncomfortable. Caden said hey pumpkin I said Hey beautiful pumpkin and I sat down next to Shy.
Alana Pov:
I said so now we're gonna talk. Asiah I'm Alana but i go by momma. Asiah said nice to meet you momma I smiled and said so since when are you and Lucas dating? Before she said something shy said Asiah broke up with him a few hours ago thats why we are here. I said what did my baby do Asiah? Asiah told me what happened and my heart almost shattered in pieces.. I thought my kids how to respect. I thought my kids from right to wrong. And knowing Lucas disrespected a young lady who's very kind and beautiful As a parent he makes me feel like if I failed teaching them how to respect. I told Asiah that I'm sorry for what Lucas did because thats so disrespectful. I said when I see Lucas he's gonna wish I never had him. Anyways we changed the subject and my baby girl came!!
Ria Ali (Lucas sister) Pov:
When I saw my Twin I yelled KB!!!! I ran and he stand up and I jumped on him!! He carried me and said wassup twin❤️❤️. He put me down and I hugged the rest of my brothers. I saw this pretty girl and said haii whats your name? She said Asiah I said so who's girlfriend is this? Caden said thats my mommy I looked at her and said Luca's girl? She said "was" with sad eyes I hugged her and said I dunno what happened but I'm sorry she hugged me back and said its alright. I said omg I forgot to represent myself I'm Ria Ali☺️ she said you got a beautiful name I said thank you and we both laughed I said BarbieDoll🤑👭💖? she smiled hard and said BarbieDoll🤑👭💖.
Wassup I was busy today but here's a new chapter🤘🏽!
Excuse any mistakes.

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