Who's house is this?

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Asiah Pov;
Ariana texted me a address and said "You better look cute and drive to this address, I'll see you there! Love you A😘". After I read the Message I said what the helll this bitch wants me to go to a address I don't know and is telling me to look cute? Oh hell nah basically she's telling me I look like shit everyday? She got me all the way fuccc'd upppp!!☹️😤
*30 minutes later*
I took a shower and did everything I had to do for an example: my makeup, hair, fixed up my bag and changed.

Asiah's outfit^^Then I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs and grabbed my Cadillac keys once I locked the doors and all I went inside my car

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Asiah's outfit^^
Then I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs and grabbed my Cadillac keys once I locked the doors and all I went inside my car.
Once I turned on my car I got a FaceTime call from Tyla
Me: Hey Wolf
Tyla: where are you going Asiah?
Me: I'm going out with Ariana and her boyfriend, why ?
Tyla: I just wanna know where my little sister is going!
Me: oh okay, well I gtg Wolf I'll call you or text you once I get there ok?
Tyla: fosho, I love you stay safe and don't drink!!
Me: I love you too and eww why would I drink? Beer and all that shit is nasty😖
Tyla: yes ik Sis well I'll see you later bye!
*hangs up, convo over*
I put the address what Ariana gave me in my car GPS and connected my phone to my car Bluetooth and played my playlist😛😛 and I took off! Mmh about an hour and 30 minutes I arrived at the address and yoo I arrived at a mf mansion like this person must have that MOOLAH💰💰! (No, I'm not a gold digger😷)
I'm gonna try to update 3 times a day! And I hope your enjoying reading the chapters💗 and sorry for any mistakes.

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