Chapter 1

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Graces PoV

"Your free to go today" I smiled at Lancy as she stood up. I had been nursing her though her depression and she was finally well enough to leave the asylum.

"Thank you" she said and hugged me.

"Your very welcome, remember to attend those support groups for extra support, and I'm always here if you need me" I smiled and lifted up one of her bags. Her husband was coming to pick her up from the gate

I walked with her down and to the front door. Her husband was stood waiting and as soon as he saw her she ran over to hug her. I stood by smiling. This is the part I loved about the job. Seeing people getting better. It made me feel warm inside. Her husband hugged and thanked me too

"You should be very proud of your wife" I smiled as I handed over her bags. He nodded with a massive smile

"I am, thank you again" he said Then placed his hand on her back and they both began to walk out. I watched and smiled before turning around and going to head for the cafeteria since I was starving

"Grace, Grace" I herd the family voice of Holly calling for me. I turned to face her

"Grace, I need to chat with you, come to my office" she said in a low voice. Like she didn't want anyone around to hear

"Now, or can I have food first?" I asked as my stomach rumbled

"Now, it won't take long" she said and began to walk off down the corridor and I followed.

We arrived at her office and she swung open the door.

"Sit sit" she Instructed. She

I sat down non the less and she pulled out a file

"So how are the kids" she asked, tapping her fingers on the desk with a forced smiled

"I don't have any, are you ok-"

"Oh silly me, ahah, anyway" something was off slightly. She seemed nervous. Why?  "I have noticed how well you are working, you are one of my best nurses, which is why I want to assign you a new patient" she said. Her voice went deep. I felt slightly uneasy since she was acting so off about it

"His name is Luke brooks, here is his file, he's been though so many Asylums and non seem to be able to help him, maybe you can" she said with a slight smile and handed me a tick brown folder.

I opened the front page. There was a pictures of a boy who looked my age, brown curly hair, lip pirecing, hazel eyes. I looked down and read his information

Name- Luke Brooks

DoB- may 3rd 1995

Band- red



He was band red. That was the highest of the high. The psychos.

"Holly he's a red band, I work on blue, I can't deal with him-" I started but she cut me off

"I know, blue band is too simple for you, I see this in you, plus everyone else on the band dropped out. Look I see you, your like magic, Lancy appears untreatable and you've just let her go home, look ill give you a pay rise" holly said, pleading in her voice

I looked her her. Yes I wanted a challenge and to help him, but he's band red. He wasn't too old, he wasn't too dangous.

"You just talk to him, there will be security and he will be tied down" holly said, pushing the folder closer to me. I looked down at it.

How evil can a person be.

"Fine" I said quickly, making sure not to change my mind. But once it came out I regretted it. She clapped

"Fantastic, I'll ring Woodsworth now and have him sent over, you can go for lunch now" she said reaching for the phone. I looked down at the folder.

I didn't feel like eating anymore.

Authors PoV

Hope it's okay, I got this idea from watching wicked (God knows how) . I'm sorry if that's not how asylums work I have no idea.

Two souls and a girl (Luke/jai Brooks) Where stories live. Discover now