Chapter 18

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Graces PoV

Me and Luke talked a while. I Managed to distract him for jai, make him laugh and just see what a good person he was. We didn't talk about jai or the whole situation. I just wanted to see Luke happy and not in this prison jai built. In fact time flew the session was almost over.

"I'm sorry to say but it's almost over, I need to put you back in the chair or the security will you know" I said. Luke nodded and walked back over.

He got in and I strapped him back down

"When ever your jai free send me letters" I smiled and he nodded. I walked back over to my desk. I looked at the clock and saw we had about 2 more minutes left, I remembered that I had to take Luke to his pointless treatment. It's probably some card game or drugs. Nothing too drastic

The door then opened and the men came in to take Luke away. I grabbed my note book and followed

We got to the door and I saw a metal slap, some surgical tools and surgeons

"I'm sorry did we get a room mix up" I said to one of the guys

"No, it's for Luke" he said and brought him inside. I walked over to one of the people in surgical suits

"What are you doing to him" I asked

"Your grace arnt you?" I nodded "new treatment, go stand behind the glass please" he said.

This didn't look like new treatment. I went behind the glass and soon after holly walked in

"What is this" I asked as I catched a glimpse of Luke undressing

"New treatment, it's going to save us money plus apparently works, Luke's the trial run" she said as she looked outward

"For a psychopath he has nice abs" she laughed. I just turned to her then back at Luke. He looked over at me like a puppy wanting to be bought from the pet shop

"What are they doing to do to him" I asked fightend as I watched Luke get placed on the table

"You'll see" holly said slightly uncomfortably

I turned and watched as they placed a cloth over waist. I thought they were going to put him to sleep or something but they just pulled out some straps and that's when I noticed there was no machine the numb the pain

"Arnt they doing to put him to sleep or numb him first" I asked holly, I was getting scared for him now

"No, they can't have chemicals messing with the chemicals in his brain" she said "it just works better, he deserved it for all the lives he took" okay that really pissed me off when she said that. I decided to ingnor her and look at Luke.

They started to try and strap him down but he started to fight back, he shot yo and started trying to get the nurses off him, I saw all the fear and pain and distress in his face and that hurt me aswell.

"Holly stop this now" I said sternly

"Why" she asked

"Because he doesn't need this, this won't help him, holly listen to me, don't hurt him" I said. Holly started laughing. She thought I was joking. She was about to speak but she just passed out. I guess it made her a little queasy seeing all the surgical equipment

"Thank god she's gone" I herd a voice come from behind me.

Two souls and a girl (Luke/jai Brooks) Where stories live. Discover now