Chapter 8

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Graces PoV

And I found nothing. Nothing at all about lukes childhood or family life. Only articles about his killings and such.

I looked at the clock and it was 10:26. Wow I had been on the Internet for a long time. I closed up the laptop and started prepping my self for Luke.

I decided that today I was going to ask him about his childhood and work on getting an actual answer.

The time soon came when I herd a knock on the door and Luke was brought it. He was strapped down, given a couple pills then was left to be alone with me

"Good morning Luke" I said with a smile. acting like nothing had happened and blocking last nights hallucination. Luke had his head down and was making groaning noises. He then looked up

"Not really no, tell them to take him off these pills I can't-" Luke had that dark tone on but it was weak and so was Luke, he stopped talking and dropped his head. But why did he first refer himself as a he?

"No Luke, they are going to help you with your seizures and black outs" I was slightly concerned

"Your making me weak" Luke whisperd then dropped his head. He stayed like that for a soils 10 seconds and I just stopped and stared. I was about to call in for help when I herd soft crying coming from Luke

"Luke" I whispered and stood out of my seat slightly

"Help me, I just want to be free" he whisperd and looked up at me

"Luke, tell me what you mean okay, I might be able to help you, if I can just understand" I said, my voice shaking as the fear built up.

"He's not me, he's evil, so evil, and crazy, he's bad, oh is he bad, I ate him in the womb and now it's him and me, and he's the bad one, not me its him, but he's inside of me, he sins and leaves me to suffer the punishment, he escaped the pain that is result of the pain he caused, he's a demon and he's my brother"

Luke cried out really fast. I lent back in shock, what he said it was, it was, I can't explain. I grabbed a pen and started writing down what he said in my note book.

"I think the pills made him weak, most of the Drugs make him stronger but these made him weak, that's why"

I looked back up to Luke and tried to compose my self. I would freak out longer.

Either he was insane and had a severe multiple personality disorder who he associated to be the twin brother he lost or maybe, how ever crazy as that songs, his twin brother lives inside of him, and is doing this to him.

"Luke I'm going to give you some paper and crayons" I said pulling a pack out of my draw. "I want you to draw your story" I said. The reason in doing this is I wanted to get a clear idea of his mind. If he drew something crazy and unrealistic I'd know He's making the brother thing up and is in fact clinically insane but if he draws something realistic it would show maybe he, how ever crazy, was two souls. Now this method might not work and give accuret results but I would give me a little idea of what's going on inside that messed up head of his.

Two souls and a girl (Luke/jai Brooks) Where stories live. Discover now