Chapter 2

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Emrys POV
I wake up in midst of panic. I shoot my body up and practically run to the bathroom. I slam the door and sit on the toilet. "Shit." I say looking down. I'm on my period. I do my business and get up and wash my hands. I walkout of the bathroom and Joe groggily stares at me. "What's wrong?" He asked sweetly. I have a half smirk on my face from looking at his worried face. "I just really had to go to the toilet." I say hinting at my feminine problems. He stares at me for maybe another 5 seconds and then looks around. I sat down on the bed and checked my nightstand. My phone wasn't there. So I grabbed my tv remote instead. I switched the tv on and started to lie down and watch it. I started drifting off to sleep even though it was light outside. My eyes shot open as I had felt like I was falling off my bed but it was just me dreaming or whatever. I lay there still not knowing if I shook the bed. I had my back turned to Joe so I couldn't see him but in all honesty I just wanted to hug him. I slowly turn around to lie on my other side. I look and see Joe with his head propped on my headboard and his eyes scanning the TV. I look up at him with my eyes and then prop myself up to get on the same level as him. He laughs and looks at me and then looks back at the tv. I look at it but watch Joe out of the corner of my eye. After a while I see that Joe and Caspar hit the road is on next. I smack my head and blush. I wasn't sure why. But I do know that I totally forgot that he is really popular and I am kind of popular. He smiles and changes the channel. "That's okay. But you can just tell me if you don't want to watch it." He chuckles. I hit his wrist that was holding the remote and looked at him "NO! It's not that. It's just I forgot we were....well us." I say. He stops smiling and sets down the remote between us. "I'm going to make breakfast." I say getting up. He nods and I walk out and leave the door open. When I get upstairs I start singing to myself and dancing around. I get to the kitchen and make yogurt fruit bowls. "Wow nice moves!" Joe laughs. I look behind me and Joe is looking at me and holding his stomach and laughing really hard. I feel my cheeks burn and then I turn back to the food and roll my eyes. For some reason I don't care that he sees me looking like crap. He walks over to me and looks at me cut a kiwi. "Yea that looks great. It's nice to not have to make food because Caspar doesn't know how." He smiles. I nod "Yeah I know how you feel." I giggle back. He steps away from me and the food and sits on the couch. I look over at him and see him on his phone. I quickly finish making the food and grab both of the bowls and bring them to the couch. I put Joes on the resting table in front of us and keep mine in my hands. I grab the remote and turn on my Xbox. I have an Xbox upstairs and a playstation down in my room. I wait and Joe shuts his phone off and looks at the tv. "FIFA!?" He shouts while sitting up. I look at him and laugh at his excitement. His eyes are open very wide and he has a huge grin on his face. He grabs his bowl sits back and looks at me. I smile "Yes it is. You like it, huh?" I joke. He nods his head rapidly and then starts eating with his eyes locked on the tv. I turn on Netflix and put on stranger things. I play episode one because I was afraid he hadn't seen it before. I start eating and continue watching the show.
I scrape the bottom of my bowl getting the extra yogurt and take my last bite. I set the bowl down in the coffee table and look at Joe. He finished his a couple minutes ago and was involved with the show. Joe pulls out his phone and opens snapchat. "Hey are you okay with me taking some video? My viewers probably think I'm dead." He jokes. I shrug my shoulders "Sure I guess but I look rank so..." I say. "No way you look beautiful." He says. I blush and look back at the tv and hold back a smile. Joe starts taking a video. "So I'm with my new bestfriend. *points camera at me* EMRY!!" He uses the sad face filter in the both of us and laughs at the end. I then catch him taking a couple selfies. He looks stunning in all of them. I pull out my phone and open Twitter and tweet out 'hey guys new video coming up tomorrow!!' I smiled. I had already filmed it and edited it and was just waiting to upload it. I got a whole bunch of likes and retweets. I quickly favorited some and got off of Twitter. I clicked on Instagram. I opened the camera and turned my body so joe couldn't see. I took a picture of him on my phone and I turned back slightly so he wouldn't notice. I captioned it 'caught a wild joe Sugg in my house. Follow spree on Twitter?' I tagged Joe and posted it. I went to Joes Instagram to make sure he was following me so he would see it. I hear his phone go off and then he looks at me ands smiles. "Nice." He says and I see him double tap it. I laugh and look at the comments and most said yes to the following spree and the other called me a bitch for being with joe and some said cute. I laughed when I saw a comment reading 'little bitch stole my man. Fuck you.' Joe looked up at me and asked why I was laughing and I showed him. I pulled back and out of the corner of my eye I saw Joe shake his head disapprovingly. I go back on Twitter and tweet 'Doing a following spree!! Tweet with the hashtag #emryismom' I chose that hashtag because I wanted to make my viewers laugh. I checked the hashtag and started following my viewers back. I gave shoutouts to some and honestly most of my viewers are young girls and they are so beautiful and cute. I love it so much. "Hey, now that we are friends. Do you want my number?" Joe asks and blushes. I laugh and give him my phone he laughs and types in his number as a new contact. He hands it back and I see his name is 'Best Boy' I laugh and shake my head jokingly.
[Emry] Hi best boy!!
[Best Boy] Hi beautiful girl!!
I stop look at him and take his phone. His name for me is beautiful girl. I bet he flirts like this with everyone. I hand his phone back to him. Finally I shut my phone off and notice that we were half way on the second episode of stranger things. I get up and look back at Joe. "I need to get ready." I say. He gets up too. "Yep so do I." He says. I try and grab both of the bowls but Joe picks his up way too fast. I walk to the sink and he follows. We both put the bowls in the sink. I turn around and walk to the stairs and Joe follows. "Oh crap!" I say and run down the stairs. He runs down too. "WHAT!?" He shouts. "Opal!" I open the door to my roommates room and my pug comes running out. "Opal!!" Joe laughs and scratches his neck. I get on my knees and pick up Opal and carry her. She gets excited when she sees Joe. Joe starts petting her. "Here." I say and give Opal to Joe. When I quickly give her to him he kind of jumps back a little bit. I giggle. And he smiles and plays with Opal in his hands. "Umm do you have extra clothes?" I ask. "No. But can I still shower Em?" He says looking at Opal. "Oh yes of course!" I grab Opal out of his hands and bring her upstairs. I lead Joe to the main toilet (aka Jamie's toilet) I tell him about everything and he nods and goes in. I go into my bathroom in my room. I quickly jump in the shower. I shower for about 15 minutes trying to keep it quick. Once I get out I hear the other shower still running. I wrap a towel around my body and get out of the bathroom and to my closet. I grab black ripped jeans, a black and white striped top and a tryxe jumper. I am fully clothed and then slip on some rosey pink dockers. I check my outfit in the mirror and decide it looks good so I take off the jumper as it was getting quite warm. I hear the shower turn off and then I sit at my vanity and start doing my makeup. After a couple minutes I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I answer. I hear the door open and I look and see Joe with wet hair and damp clothes. "Hey can I use your hair dryer thing?" He asks. "umm yea my blow dryer?" I laugh. He smiles and nods. He walks closer to me and I open one of the drawers to my vanity and pull out my extra blow dryer. I wrap up the cord quickly and hand it to him. "Thanks Em," he says grabbing it. "No problem Joesph," I say back. He chuckles and shakes his head. I look back in my mirror and grab an eyeshadow brush. I start putting on my eye shadow. "What?" I ask him for shaking his head. "Joesph?" He asks with his eyes wide and a little smirk on his open mouth. I laugh and mess up my makeup a little so I grab a tissue. I continue doing my makeup and see him shake his head again when he leaves. After a while I finish my make up and start curling my hair. I play with my hair a little bit so it will look quite worn out. I unplug my curler and check my hair and makeup one last time. I get up and leave my room and go upstairs to my camera. Before turning on my camera I check the time on my phone 9:42. I slip my phone into my back pocket and then turn on my camera. "Hey everybody, so I have decided to vlog today. And I am planning on going out to get some food at the shops. I might also go to lush and do a lush haul as that has been highly requested. So I am all ready and it is 9:43, I think I will be clearing out my closet also. So I have decided to vlog that. Because the last time I filmed me cleaning out my closet it was a main channel video and you guys asked me to do it as a vlog instead. So that will be tomorrow's vlog." I start walking around my house while talking to the camera. "So I am going to get me things ready." I walk down the stairs and talk in a funny sounding voice. I get to my room and grab my bag and keys. I stop recording and go back upstairs. I set my bag and keys, and my camera down by the door. I go back downstairs and knock on the toilet door. "Joe?" I ask. The door swings open making me gasp in all of the air surrounding me. He laughs "yes?" He asks. "Oh um I am going to go out and do some shopping um do you want to come with?" I ask awkwardly. "Yea that's cool." He says. I nod "okay when you are ready just come upstairs." I smile. "Alright," he nods back. I lightly shut the door and walk upstairs. I wait by the door and check pictures on Instagram that I'm tagged in. So weird that people look up to me and post pictures of me but at the same time it makes me feel really good because I'm helping people. 'Emry Marie Hudson. The most beautiful girl in the whole world. She has saved my life. I remember feeling lonely and sad and like I shouldn't even of been living. I felt stuck in anxiety and depression. I remember getting made fun of and people thinking it was a cry for attention. I remember telling my mom when I was 15 that I thought I had panic attacks and that it was making me depressed. She said that I am overreacting and that it is just hormones and all of that crap. Well it made me feel like crap because if my mom doesn't believe me who will?? I am now 18 and I am still here. There were times that I felt like I wanted to hurt myself or even leave the world. I wanted to always be alone and I never wanted to go to school. I had wished I was just normal. But I am who I am and that's perfect. You are all perfect. I hope I make you all as happy as Emry makes me. I love you guys and if Emry ever sees this I love you! Xx' I read in my head I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I laughed a little bit liked the photo and wiped the tear. I read the comments and they all said I hope you are happy now. Then a couple came in saying she liked it. I smiled a little bit and then clicked out of the picture. I went the persons page and looked at her feed. I scrolled through and saw tons of pictures of me and then I assume some of her. I clicked on one of her and commented 'I am glad I helped you beautiful!' I really do think all of my fans are so pretty. Even if they don't think so. I clicked off the picture and saw a new post that read 'O my god guys my idol liked one of my posts! I am so happy! Thank you guys for tagging her in it and helping me be seen! I love you all!' I laughed and liked that post too. I clicked and saw another picture that read a paragraph. I backed out of her account and clicked the home button and shut my phone off and held it. I heard Joe coming up the stairs. So I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder and grabbed my keys and slipped it in my bag. I looked at the stairs and saw Joe was on his phone but he looked beautiful. His hair looked soft and his clothes were dirty but it still looked really nice on him. He looked so perfect. Opal was taking a nap on her pet bed. And then I remembered that I needed my jumper. I ran downstairs and grabbed my jumper. I ran back up and joe was waiting by the door. " jumper." I said. "It fine. Are you ready Em?" He asked. "Uhuh let's go." I say walking towards the door. We left the flat and got to my mini and started driving into town. I had Joe vlog for me in the car and we both ended up vlogging while in the stores. I was picking out stuff while Joe was probably across the shop. We met up at the cash register. After we were done we drove back to my place and Joe decided to go back home. It was 4 pm and I decided to just chill for a while. I grabbed my camera and started to vlog whilst sitting on the couch. "I am back from the shops. So I wanted to talk to you guys about my living situation. So the thing is...I might be getting a place out in Brighton. London is really busy and it kind of stresses me out. Jamie might not be my roommate but we have been roommates for 2 years and I think it is time to leave each other. I dont know the exact date this will be happening but I hope you all support my decision and are okay with it. Which I don't know why you couldn't be because it's my living space. So yea that's that and I just thought I would tell you guys before hand." I turn off my camera and take a deep breath. Jamie wasn't even back yet and it was beginning to worry me. She hadn't texted me back even though I texted her about 7 times. So I just decide to make dinner. I cook turkey in a pan and make some sauce in a pot beside it. I also start making a little salad. When I finished I got a plate and put everything together. I sat down on my couch and ate. I watched television not wanting to turn on Netflix. I then felt and heard a vibration coming from the other side of the couch. I look over and see Joes phone. I set my plate down and reach my short arm over to his phone. I turned it in my hand to investigate. I turned it back so I could see the screen. My thumb slide up to the home button and lightly pressed it. He had a full screen of notifications and texts. First text read:
Caspar| where are you??
I slowly slide my thumb on the screen and it unlocked immediately. I smirked. That idiot didn't even have a password. I had answered Caspar.
Me| hey Caspar, this is Emry. It seems that Joe has left his phone at my place. Do you know when he could pick it up?
Caspar| hi Emry. I haven't seen joe so I am not sure. But could you please hold on to it. Thanks. Also you might want to keep my number.
I giggle a bit and bite on my finger. I click on the i and grab my phone and add Caspar. I shut my phone off and am fully on Joes. I go to Twitter and tweet out a couple funny things. I also post a quick selfie on his Instagram and wait for people to freak out. I get off and click the home button. I almost shut the phone off but then see tinder. I tap it very quickly and look around me cautiously and look back at the screen. I look and first see a beautiful woman so I swipe right. Because why not? I go to the messages and immediately click out. Wow Emry. How dare you invade someone's privacy like that. I shut the phone off and throw it on the cushion next to me. I take a deep breathe sit up and grab my plate of food and keep eating. Once I finish I wash up and it is 6. I decide to text Jamie again.
Me| Jamie come on mate your worrying me.
Still nothing. 29 minutes later my phone starts ringing. I pick it up quickly and answer it. "Hello," I ask. "Hey, this Sam. I am Jamie'" He says hesitantly. "Mhm, so what's up?" I ask impatient. "Well Jamie and I have gotten in a car accident....." He says calm. "WHAT?!" I shout in the phone sitting up and getting off the couch. "Jamie wants you at the hospital. It's the one she goes to for check ups. Off of 86th." He says. "Okay I will be there." I end the call and run to the door. I grab my jacket, keys, and bag. I run out of the door.
A/N I know I know it's writers block. I have been ill and school is going to start and it's been hard. But I'm back. Good night or good morning or good afternoon. (:

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